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Diploma in Marine Engineering (AICTE Approved)


To provide Excellent quality training leading candidates to become Chief Engineering Officers in the shipping industry by innovating new technologies, consistent with its strategic goals and by realizing maximum efficiency through superior management. To make the department an epitome of excellence in higher education by effectively providing high quality education and rigorous training to students in multiple streams of choice with ample scope for all round development to make them excel in their profession for betterment in Society.


  • To be an outstanding Academic Institution always aiming to impart comprehensive training to new aspirants to a maritime career.
  • To select potential candidates and train them to be knowledgeable and competent marine engineers in conformance with global standards of the maritime industry.
  • To develop Post Sea related training for the seafarers who seek higher certification and
  • To continuously update our education and training program in accordance with the latest developments in the Maritime industry through proactive and progressive measures.
  • To keep abreast with the latest technological advancements to enhance the R and D activities

Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs)


PEO 01: Develop candidates’ understanding, at an advanced level, of professional concepts and techniques in marine operations fields

PEO 02: Has specialized insight in maritime operations and its process

PEO 03: Can apply knowledge to new area related to maritime operations

PEO 04: Develop candidates’ decision-making abilities

PEO 05: Enhance and develop technical skills and knowledge as relevant to the particular marine role of the individual

PEO 06: Enable candidates to lead innovation in marine organizations’ operations and outputs

PEO 07: Enable candidates to manage change and deploy resources in efficient and effective ways

PEO 08: Enable candidates to use their professional skills and knowledge to support the development of the organizational capability of marine operations organizations

Programme Outcomes (POs) & Programme Specific Outcomes(PSOs)


PO 1: Apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering in their specialization involving complex engineering problems.

PO 2: Analyze a problem, identify, formulate and solve engineering problems using basic fundamental Principles of mathematics and science.

PO 3: Design a system component or process to meet the desired needs and standards within realistic constraints such as public health and safety, social and environmental considerations.

PO 4: Design and conduct experiments, as well as do research, analyze and interpret data and give clear solutions.

PO 5: Use and learn the limitations involved in recent techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.

PO 6: Assess the local and global impact of engineering solutions on individuals, organization and society and the consequent responsibilities relevant to their professional engineering practice.

PO 7: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable Development

PO 8: Understand the professional and ethical responsibilities and norms of engineering practice.

PO 9: Work with multi-disciplinary teams, involve in team activities and accomplish a common goal.

PO 10: Communicate effectively with engineering community for presentation, documentation of reports adopting the design standards.

PO 11: Understand engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multi-disciplinary environments.

PO 12: Meet contemporary issues and create advance technologies and will be engaged to lifelong learning in the broadest scale.


PSO 1: Attain knowledge to carry out the watch keeping duties of an engineer officer on board a ship in a safely manner

PSO 2: Attain Knowledge to maintain and operate machinery and equipment fitted on board ships at operational level

Curriculum & Syllabus



Hours / Week
Category CodeTitle of the CourseTotal
AECC 21ADMR11Communication English - I605--3
AECC 21ADMR12Engineering Mathematics - I605--5
Engineering Physics - I605--3
CC21CDMR12Engineering Chemistry – I605--3
CC21CDMR13Engineering Graphics – I 605--5
SEC 21PDMR11Engineering Physics – I (Practical)30--32
SEC 21PDMR12Engineering Chemistry – I (Practical)30--32


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Eligibility Criteria

The three-year Diploma Engineering course, approved by AICTE, enables the students to pursue Graduate Marine Engineering courses as lateral entry to become Marine Engineers. This course is a day scholar programme.

Entry Requirements:

Academic Standards: A pass in 10 or its equivalent examination
Age Limit: Maximum 20 years on the date of commencement of the course Boys & Girls are eligible to apply

Career Prospects


  • Port Manager
  • Marine Educator
  • Marine Surveyor
  • Second Marine Engineer
  • Ship Operator

Fee Structure

Semester - 1Semester - 2Semester - 3Semester - 4Semester - 5Semester - 6Total Fees