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Dr. B.P.Chandramohan
Director, Management Studies and Commerce

Home / Dr. B.P.Chandramohan Director, Management Studies and Commerce

Prof. B.P.Chandramohan

Director, Management Studies and Commerce

Contact Details

Mobile: 9444932128



Prof. B.P. Chandramohan is currently Director, School of Management Studies and Commerce, Vels University (VISTAS), Chennai, India. Before joining Vels University he was working in the Department of Economics in Presidency College Chennai. He was General Secretary and Vice President of the Indian Economic Association. He is a life member of different International Associations like World Wetland Scientists Association and International Economic Association. He received his Ph.D. Degree from the University of Madras in 1994. He also performed as the Chairman of the Tamil Nadu Text Book Writing Committee belonging to Economics.  

Prof. B.P. Chandramohan has a graduate and post-graduate teaching experience of 34 years. He has guided and supervised for 22 M.Phil. 19 Ph.D. and one Post-Doctorate candidates to complete their degrees. He has 51 papers published in conference proceedings, 27 papers published in national and international Journals, 26 articles published in books as chapters and presented 129 papers in Conferences, Seminars, workshops and symposia. He published 2 books as independent author and 3 books as editor He has been a consultant and advisor to many national bodies. He has been acting as a reviewer of Goa State Research Foundation and IJST. He also conducted 2 independent major research projects funded by UGC, 2 by ICSSR and one project funded by Madras Institute of Development Studies. He has presented papers in International Conferences and foreign Universities. In the USA he presented papers in Penn State University – Pennsylvania, University of Wisconsin – Wisconsin and Colorado State University– Denver. In addition to this, papers also presented in Germany, Dena International Energy Conference, Berlin, Malaysia- Monash University, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore: National University of Singapore and Sri Lanka: Eastern University, Batticaloa.

Two of his memorable academic achievements are: 1. the presentation of paper titled “The Economic Cost of Health Problems due to Indoor Air Pollution at the Household Level in Tamil Nadu”in Penn State University became the foundation for the Ujjwala Scheme after the Paper published by the WHO on World Pneumonia Day and Indoor Air Quality in November 12, 2010. 2. “Residential End Use Electricity Consumption Pattern in Chennai City” published by European Commission, Italy in 2010 after its presentation in World Energy Conference in Berlin.