PO1: Performs work activities effectively and efficiently to the standards expected in the operation required in the hospitality sectors.
PO2: Undertakes tasks, functions, duties and activities in the operation of the hotels, restaurants, travel, government and non-government agencies in accordance with the competency standards.
PO3: Analyses situation, identifies problems, formulates solutions and implements corrective and/or mitigating measures and action management into foodservice and accommodation operations.
PO4. Exhibit the ability to develop, examine, question, and explore perspectives or alternatives to problems in hospitality operations.
PO5: Demonstrate the ability to use professional written and oral communication skills and technology to successfully communicate.
PO6: Display awareness, understanding and skills necessary to live and work in a diverse world.
PO7: Practice professional ethics, provide leadership, demonstrate personal and global responsibility, and work effectively as a team member.
PSO1: Utilize interpersonal skills to lead/manage first-level employees in a hospitality setting.
PSO2: Recognize and articulate written and oral communication as appropriate for hospitality environments.
PSO3: Demonstrate ability to apply policies for managing diverse, multicultural hospitality.
PSO4: Exhibit awareness of professional and ethical responsibility in all aspects of conduct.
PSO5: Illustrate the ability to manage the professional preparation, presentation, and service of quality food and beverages.