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Programme Outcomes (POs) are the attributes of the graduates of the programme that are indicative of his / her ability and competency to work as a professional in their chosen after graduation. Program outcomes are the knowledge, skills, and abilities that students should possess when they graduate from a program. Upon graduation, an LL.M graduate will be able to:

PO 1: Carry out independent research by utilizing their knowledge of variety of sources over a wide range of legal issues and concerns. (Legal Knowledge)

PO 2: Exhibit analytical abilities that are necessary to evaluate the decisions pronounced by the courts, as well as various provisions of law; and re-interpret the views and submissions of jurists and academicians. (Analytical Skills)

PO 3: Provide solutions to various issues based on the knowledge and understanding of the substantive and/or procedural components in their area of expertise. (Critical Thinking)

PO 4: Conduct independent research on a variety of subjects, especially in their area of specialization and author scholarly research papers. (Research Skills)

PO 5: Work on a variety of socio-legal concerns and cultivate a strong sense of duty and responsibility towards society. (Social Responsibility)

PO 6: Gain a reputation as an accomplished legal expert in today’s demanding marketplace by mastering the most recent developments in the legal profession including using of modern technology. (Competitive Skills)

PO 7: Apply diverse knowledge to prepare for higher research degree while maintaining focus on the goals. (Higher Education)

PO 8: Capable of putting their thoughts into words and their words into action, thus being able to communicate effectively (Communication Skills).

PO 9: Able to work independently, identify appropriate resources required for a project, and manage project through to completion (Self-Directed Learning).

PO 10 Embrace moral/ethical values in conducting one’s life, avoiding unethical behaviours and adopting professional, objective, unbiased and truthful actions in all aspects of work (Moral and Ethical Awareness).


Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs) describe what graduates are expected to learn and perform in a specialized area of discipline, upon graduation from a programme. The PSOs of LL.M in Labour and Administrative Law programme are as follows:

PSO 1: Graduates will be able to contribute effectively and substantially through practice in the areas of Labour and Administrative Law.

PSO 2: Graduates will be able to demonstrate their research capabilities to provide solutions to various issues and contribute to the growth of such disciplines of law.

PSO 3: Graduates will be able to critically analyze existing laws, able to draft legislations and policies, thereby contributing to the nation’s progress and of the world at large.