School of Education
School of Education was instituted in VISTAS in the year 2016 with the clear vision of promoting excellence in Teacher Education at different levels such as B.Ed., M.Ed., M.Phil. and Ph.D. To start with, the School of Education initiated two programmes viz. (1) B.Ed. (Two Year) and (2) B.Sc., B.Ed., (Four Year-Integrated) after getting recognition and approval from the National Council for Teacher Education. These two programmes started functioning from the Academic Year 2016-2017. The Course Structure and Curriculum (for B.Ed. (Two Year) for all Optional Subjects (Pedagogy) and B.Sc., B.Ed., Four Year Integrated with Optional Subjects (Pedagogy) (i) Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics (PCM) and (ii) Chemistry, Botany and Zoology (CBZ)) are designed as per the NCTE Norms/ Framework. The courses will follow the Semester System as per the Regulations of VISTAS. Both the courses possess all professional criteria including in-service teaching practice with practical examinations for all the years.