B.A. Western Classical Music



The School of Music and Fine Arts was set up in VISTAS with an aim to nurture and cultivate an appreciation and education in traditional Classical Art forms. Today, the School offers courses at undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Indian Classical Karnatic Music, Bharatanatyam and Western Classical Music apart from various Certificate and Diploma level courses. Apart from this, it also offers a Ph.D program and research opportunities in Indian Music and Bharatanatyam.




  • To Provide a holistic education in Classical Art forms
  • To Encourage students to learn these arts forms as well as expose them to allied art forms.
  • To Preserve traditional values which are integral to these Arts
  • To Encourage in-depth research as well as interdisciplinary research in these arts
  • To train students to get best opportunities and tackle challenges in Art Field.



PEO1 Learn the fundamentals of the performance aspect of Western Classical Music from the basics to an advanced level in a gradual manner 

PEO2 Learn the theoretical concepts of Western Classical music simultaneously along with honing practical skill 

PEO3 Understand the historical evolution of Western Classical music through the various eras. 

PEO4 Develop an inquisitive mind to pursue further higher study and research in the field of Classical Art and publish research findings and innovations in seminars and journals. 

PEO5 Develop analytical, critical and innovative thinking skills, leadership qualities, and good attitude well prepared for lifelong learning and service to World Culture and Heritage



PSO1 Be competent in performance of Western Classical Music equipped and be proficient in the theoretical aspects of Western Classical music which will supplement the knowledge of the performer 

PSO2 Be familiar with the historical aspects of Western Classical Music with specific reference to the evolution of music in various eras like Renaissance, Baroque, Galant, Classical and Romantic period. . 

PSO3 Be familiar with allied areas of study like Karnatic Classical music, Philosophy, Notation and Hindustani Music.

Programme Outcomes


PO1:Understanding essentials of a performing art:Learning the rudiments of a Classical art and the various elements that go into the presentation of such an art.

PO2:Developing theoretical knowledge:Learning the theory that goes behind the practice of a performing art supplements the learner to become a holistic practioner.

PO3:Learning History and Culture: The contribution and patronage of various establishments, the background and evolution of Art.

PO4:Allied Art forms:An overview of allied fields of art and exposure to World Music.

PO5:Modern trends:Understanding the modern trends in Classical Arts and the contribution of revolutionaries of this century.

PO6:Contribution to society:Applying knowledge learnt to teach students of future generations.

PO7:Research and Further study:Encouraging further study and research into the field of Classical Art with focus on interdisciplinary study impacting society at large.

Curriculum & Syllabus



Code No. CourseHours/WeekCreditsMaximum Marks
Lecture Tutorial PracticalCASEETotal
LANGTamil I/
Hindi / French
ENGEnglish I3003406060
CORE1Theory of Music 1 - Basic Concepts.3104406060
CORE2History of Music – 1 – History of Western Classical Music and Early Music.3104406060
CORE3Practical – 1 Piano Foundation Exercises.2044406060
COREPractical – 2 Drums Rudiments.2044406060
AECCCommunication Skills1022406060
SECOrientation/Induction programme / Life skills-------


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Curriculum & Syllabus – 2024

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Eligibility Criteria

ProgramProgram Duration (Year)EligibilityCriteria for Merit
B.A Western Music3 Years (6 Semesters)Pass in (10+2) or its equivalent or Diploma in Music or DanceMerit based on percentage of marks secured in the qualifying examinations

Career Prospects



  • Professional Performer
  • Teaching Faculty at Schools
  • Aboard Programmes
  • Own Institution
  • Cine Music Programme.

Alumni Testimonials

Fee Structure

Tuition Fee 2024 - 2025 (Per Sem)Other Fee (Per Sem)
Total Fee 2024 - 2025 (Per Sem)
13,000 10,000 23,000