General Rules

  • Students should not leave the University premises during class hours without written permission of the HOD / Competent authority.
  • Students should be punctual in attending classes and other co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. Late comers will not be allowed in the class.
  • Students will be responsible for all equipment entrusted to them. Students should not cause any damage to any property, equipment, instruments,    tools etc., of the University. An amount of Rs.150 towards General maintenance, is payable by each Student at the end of the Academic Year, prior to Examinations. In case of any damage, the actual cost will be recovered from the student along with a fine.
  • Students should take care of their belongings while within the campus. The University will not be responsible for any loss of such belongings.
  • Use of Mobile phones, Pagers, Cameras, etc., are prohibited inside the campus, during College hours, from 10am to 4pm. If found in contravention, they will be confiscated.
  • Smoking and consumption of pan is prohibited inside the campus. Consumption of any intoxicants or drugs are totally prohibited, and will lead to immediate dismissal from the University.
  • Weapons must not be brought into, or kept, within the campus.
  • Students should display their Identity Card prominently, while they are within the campus and while travelling in the University bus. The security staff will not permit any student inside the campus without their identity card.
  • All Students should dress in a presentable manner. T-shirts and sleeveless dresses are not permitted.
  • The management reserves the right to modify the class timings and schedule.
  • Students should not hold any meetings or collect any money from other students without proper permission from the HOD.
  • Students should not involve themselves in any political or religious activity inside the Campus.
  • Ragging in any form is totally banned and is punishable as per the Government Order. If any student is found to be indulging in any sort of ragging or harassment to juniors or other fellow students, inside or outside the campus, bus, hostel, he/she will be dismissed immediately from the University, and criminal action will be taken against them as per the rules.
  • The following acts of misconduct will result in immediate dismissal from the University:
    • Assault of any person
    • Wilful damage to University property
    • Intimidation, coercion and/or interference with other students
    • Misbehaviour with other students and/or Staff
  • The decision of the Vice-Chancellor is final and binding on all the students, in all matters pertaining to the University.
  • Legal disputes, if any, are subject to the jurisdiction of Courts at Chennai.
  • All other rules, regulations and guidelines prescribed by University / Government agencies will be implemented.


  • Absence from class without proper reason and without prior permission from the HOD is tantamount to breach of discipline and such absence will attract punishment and should be avoided. One period of absence in the forenoon or afternoon session will be treated as half a day of absence.
  • Absence for more than 10 days without prior permission from the HOD / Directors of Schools may lead to removal from the nominal roll.
  • Students appearing for the University examinations must have at least 80% of attendance as per the rules of the University. A minimum of 75% attendance is required to appear for examinations. There is no provision for condonation of any kind.

General Norms

The policy on enrolment will be to ensure that students from all parts of the country are permitted to join the University so that the national characteristic of the University is maintained in its true sense.

Further, to ensure that adequate number of students from under-privileged and socially handicapped sections of society are admitted to the University, a uniform All-India policy of reservation is followed. Admission is made on the basis of merit and merit list is drawn in accordance with provisions of the Admission policy of the University.

The University aims to be innovative in syllabi and in the courses and hence the revision of curricula is continuous and an on-going process. The revision can be initiated by an individual faculty member depending on the requirement and must be approved by Board of Studies of the concerned School / Department.

The University follows a semester system. The undergraduate courses are for 6 semesters and postgraduate courses are for a normal duration of 4 semesters except in case of MCA and any integrated postgraduate courses. Integrated courses will have 10/12 semesters. Each course is assigned a specific number of choice based credits and the number of credits to be assigned to a course are determined by the Board of syllabus of Schools on the recommendations of the department concerned. The students have to earn minimum credits assigned by the Board of syllabus to become eligible to get the degree. Students of all Post-graduate courses are to undergo a course in communication skills and shall undergo 4 to 6 weeks internship during the summer vacation of the I year (II Semester) and earn 2 credits. All the PG courses will have Project work in their final semester and students are to earn the number of credits prescribed by the Board of Studies of respective Schools.

The system of evaluation for each course shall be laid down by the Board of the School on the recommendation of the department concerned. Internal assessment (sessional work) shall carry the weightage of 25% and the remaining weightage is for semester examinations.