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Board of Management

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10.05 (i)Vice-Chancellor (Chairperson)
(Ex-Officio Member)
Dr. S. Sriman Narayanan
VISTAS, Pallavaram, Chennai-117.
10.05 (ii)Pro Vice-Chancellor (wherever applicable)
Dr. M. Bhaskaran, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, VISTAS, Pallavaram, Chennai-117.
10.05 (iii)Two Deans of Faculties of the Institution Deemed to be University, to be appointed by rotation based on inter-se seniority.
1. Dr. M. Chandrasekaran,
Dean, Academic Courses
VISTAS, Pallavaram, Chennai-117
2. Dr. A. Balasubramanian.
Dean, - Research, VISTAS, Chennai-600117
10.05 (iv)Three eminent academics, who shall have functioned at the rank of Professor, to be appointed by the Chancellor from among persons
unconnected with the Institution Deemed to be University as well
as the Sponsoring body.
1. Dr. S.P. Thiyagarajan, Chancellor, Avinashilingam Institute
for Home Science and Higher Education for Women (Deemed
to be University) Coimbatore. (Formerly Vice-Chancellor, University of Madras)
2. Dr. H. Devaraj, Former Vice-Chairman UGC and
Former Professor, Department of Zoology, University of Madras, Chennai.25.
3. Dr. R. Jayavel,
Dean, Alagappa College of Technology, Anna University, Chennai-25
10.05 (v)One representative of the Central Government or the State Government, as the case may be, where the Institution Deemed to be University is controlled and managed by such Government or is receiving grants directly or indirectly of a minimum of 50% of the average expenditure of three previous years, who shall be an eminent academic not below the rank of Professor in respect of all other institutions Deemed to be universities, the UGC shall nominate a representative from a panel of names selected through a process approved by the Commission.
UGC NOMINEE (Letter sent to UGC for nominating one representative. Reply yet to be received)
10.05 (vi)Two teachers of the Institution Deemed to be University, one each from among the cadres of Professors and Associate Professors,to be appointed by rotation based on inter-se seniority.
1. Dr. S. Preetha, Professor, School of Management Studies and Commerce, VISTAS, Pallavaram, Chennai-117
2. Dr. T. Kamalakannan, Associate Professor and Head, Department of BCA & IT, VISTAS, Pallavaram, Chennai-117
10.05 (vii)
Nominees of the Sponsoring body, not exceeding Four in number
1. Dr. ParasuramanSelvam, Head, National Centre for Catalysis Research Professor, Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology-Madras, Chennai-25
2. Dr. R. Srinivasan, Member Secretary, Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and Technology, Sardar Patel Road, DOTE Campus, Guindy, Chennai-600025.
3. Dr. W. Selvamurthy, Chancellor, Amity University R&D (LS). DRDO) J-3, Block, First Floor, Room #114, Amity University,
Secctor-125, Noida-201313 UP)
4. Dr. Raveendran Muthurajan, Professor and Head - Plant Biotechnology,
Centre for Plant Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore -641003
10.05 (viii)The Registrar, who shall be ex officio Secretary of the Board of Management
Dr. P. Saravanan
Registrar, VISTAS, Pallavaram, Chennai-600 117.