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Centre of Excellence in Cloud Computing with IBM

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Cloud is a pool of virtualized computer resources and provides various services (XaaS) in a scalable manner on subscription basis. The future of cloud computing is bright, and wise people of any kind should begin to get on board with cloud computing technologies. The main objective of the Cloud Centre of Excellence (CCoE) is to create an enabling environment for the students to be trained in cloud technologies and make them expertise in cloud technologies. This CCoE was established in the year 2015. CCoE is the best-practice approach to drive cloud-enabled transformation. A CCoE is key to driving cloud-enabled IT transformation. Its responsibilities include setting cloud policy, guiding provider selection, and assisting with solution architecture and workload placement, with the goals of improving outcomes and managing risks.

The CCoE doesn’t have day-to-day operational responsibilities. The primary duty of the CCoE team is to accelerate cloud adoption through cloud-native or hybrid solutions. The CCoE team requiring the server deploys a PaaS instance of Azure SQL Database. Alternatively, a preapproved template could be used to deploy all of the IaaS assets to the cloud in hours. The development team defines their own specs and deploys an environment based on allocated budget. Cloud governance tools are used to update policies that can be applied immediately to all assets in all cloud environments. CCoE helps to build a modern IT institution through agile approaches to capture and implement cloud project requirements.


Dr.R.A.Karthika M.E., Ph. D

Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering,

Vels Institute of Science, Technology & Advanced Studies (VISTAS),

PV Vaithiyalingam Rd, Velan Nagar, Pallavaram, Chennai – 600 117, Tamil Nadu, India