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Code Of Conduct For Administrators

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Code of Conduct for Administrators

1. Administrators and their Responsibilities

The Administrators should:

a. Bear in mind that they have to manage the university as per rules and regulations laid down by the competent authorities.
b. Adhere to the policies framed by the competent authorities.
c. Manage the affairs of the university in a manner consistent with the dignity of field of education.
d. Ensure that ambience, infrastructure, employment, resources, etc. are conducive to the teaching-learning process.
e. Adopt fair, legal, ethical and legitimate practices in the process of admission of the students.
f. Refrain from malpractices in the process of recruitment of academic and non-academic employees in the university.
g. Follow all the provisions in the agreement made with the university and other statutory authorities.
h. Ensure that there is no discrimination amongst students and employees on the basis of caste, creed, religion and language.
i. Bear in mind that they are managing the university to serve the noble cause of education and not for any commercial purpose.
j. Ensure that staff-student ratio prescribed by the competent authority is maintained.
k. Maintain non-teaching staff as per staffing pattern prescribed by competent authorities.
l. Select and appoint the candidates for the posts of teachers by following the procedure prescribed by the university grant commission, New Delhi and other competent authorities.
m. Select and appoint the candidates for the non-teaching posts as per rules laid down by the competent authority.
n. Equip the laboratories with the required number of equipment and materials.
o. Ensure that the library of the university is replete with books and tools of technology.
p. Make all possible endeavours to impart education replete with quality.
q. Make provision of funds for meeting all the expenditures of the university.
r. Ensure that amount towards the scholarship for the student concerned is received from the Government and released to the students soon after the receipt of the same.
s. Make lodging and boarding need based arrangements for the students who come from rural area at minimum cost.
t. Make efforts to get funds for projects, conferences, seminars etc. from government and non-government sources.
u. Motivate and support the teachers for research and development of projects.
v. Establish university-industry relationship and attempt to create work culture amongst the students.
w. Allow the teachers to participate in seminars, national and international conferences, workshops etc. hosted by other universities and organizations.
x. Maintain transparency in all the affairs of the university.
y. Take the decision regarding increase/decrease in Intake capacity/closure etc. and take action accordingly.

2. Administrators and Employees:

Administrators should:

a. Respect the right and dignity of employees.
b. Deal justly and impartially with employees regardless of their religion, caste, economic, social and physical characteristics.
c. Recognize the difference in aptitude and capabilities among the employees and entrust the work accordingly.
d. Be affectionate to the employees and not behave in vindictive manner towards any of them for any reason.
e. Assess the performance and maintain confidential reports every year.
f. Disallow the employees to involve themselves in political activity in the university campus and in the matters related to the university.
g. Grant leave to the employees as per the leave policy prescribed by the university.
h. Check that employees do not take undue advantage of provisions in the leave policy.
i. Refrain from involving the employees in any political activity undertaken by them.
j. Ensure that the employees do not provide any defamatory information about the university to the press and social media.
k. Punish the employee who is found guilty of defamation of the university as per rules laid down in the matter.
l. Entertain the grievance of any employee who has come through the head of the institution.
m. Ensure that the employees of the university do not undertake any other employment.
n. Guard zealously that all the policies made by the university are adhered to by the employees.
o. Represent the foundation society in various committees of the university constituted asper rules laid down by competent authorities.
p. Ensure that all formalities are completed as per the schedule given in competent authorities every year.
q. Bear in mind that the relationship between the administrators and the teachers is not a relationship of master and servant but it is a matter of status.

3. Administrators and Students:

Administrators should:

a. Bear in mind that all the activities in the university are student centric.
b. Refrain from entertaining the grievances of the students who do not come through the head of the institution.
c. Ensure that there is harmony amongst students.
d. Attend the functions in the university whenever necessary and invited.
e. Provide necessary help to students in their academic pursuits and activities.

4. Administrators and Guardians and Society:

Administrators should:
a. Deal with guardians with utmost courtesy.
b. Guide the guardians, whenever necessary, properly.
c. Evince social awareness and in case of any social problem and natural calamity make the university resources available to the society.