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Department of Biochemistry

About the Department

The Department of Biochemistry, School of Life Sciences was started in the year 1993 under the affiliation of University of Madras. The Department has well equipped laboratories, advanced research facilities, sophisticated services and computing and networking capabilities. The Department does exceedingly well in the fields of higher education, research and industrial consultancy. Strong expertise exists among the highly qualified faculty on both theoretical and experimental methods of research”.

Vision & Mission

Vision of the Department

To educate the budding researcher with professional principle to meet the challenges in the field of biotechnology. 

Mission of the Department

To onset a skilful research potential in emerging technological area like environmental, industrial, agricultural and health for the societal benefit.

Courses Offered

  • B Sc., Biochemistry
  • M.Sc., Biochemistry
  • Ph.D. Biochemistry

The academic programmes are based on the choice based credit system as per UGC regulations. Each Programme comprises several core, elective courses, internships, field visit and project work.  

Add on Course

The Department also offers a two year Diploma in Medical Lab Technology course (conducted by Bharat Seva Samaj) duly approved and certified by the Planning Commission, Government of India, assuring students with 100% Placement.

About Research Programmes

Ample opportunities are provided for research-minded students to work on their research skills and participate actively in pioneering research studies through Ph.D programme.  The faculties along with their scholars do active research in frontier areas, which often results in highly acclaimed publications in International and National Journals and patents.  Most of the research work is presented in International and National conferences. 

Research Areas

  • Biochemical, toxicological and pharmacological evaluation of the efficacy of plants, active constituents and plant based nano particles.
  • Preclinical evaluation of bioactive constituents for disorders and diseases like cancer, ulcer, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes.
  • Biochemical and molecular characterization of microbial enzymes of industrial importance.
  • Insights into the mechanism underlying  neuro pathophysiology and its amelioration employing phytochemicals.

Corporate Partnership

The Department always intends to foster  student and industry interaction for acquiring additional knowledge, technical knowhow and update of latest technologies among students. For this purpose the department has Memorandum of Understanding with corporate firms.  These include the

  • Stannis Institute of Paramedical Sciences for conducting 2 year DMLT course with lab practices.
  • Greens Med Lab and Avanz Biotech for internship programs, biochemical estimations and sample Processing.


We have 100% job placement record. Students have no trouble finding coveted positions in reputed corporate companies that visit the campus every year, offering an excellent salary package on par with international standards. Candidates interested in career options other than clinical diagnostics shall also be assisted in pursuing their interests. Placements were  obtained earlier from reputed corporates include Cipla, Alkem, Orchid, Pfizer, Ranbaxy, DRL etc.,


Faculty-Student Ratio:  1:20


Labs and Classrooms:

Two separate dedicated Labs for UG and PG Biochemistry students. 

5 Smart classrooms with WiFi facility.

Instruments Available:
  • Analog Colorimeter
  • Auto analyser (Semi)
  • Auto clave
  • Binocular microscope (Olympus)
  • Clinical centrifuge
  • Digital colorimeter
  • Digital incubator
  • Electronic balance 
  • Heating mantle
  • Homogeniser
  • Laminar air flow
  • Magnetic stirrer
  • Micro centrifuge  (maximum – 10000rpm, fixed, 6 x 1.5mL)
  • Monocular microscope
  • Oven
  • pH meter
  • Remi R8 centrifuge (maximum speed – 6000 rpm)
  • Remi R24 centrifuge (maximum speed – 16000 rpm)
  • Rotary shaker (fixed speed 180 rpm)
  • Soxhlet Extractor
  • UV Spectrophotometer Shimadzu
  • Vacuum  pump
  • Vortex mixer
  • -20ºC Freezer

Programme Outcomes


PO1: Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.

PO2:Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.

PO3: Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.

PO4: Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.

PO5: Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.

PO6: The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.

PO7: Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.

Program Educational Objectives (PEO)


PEO-1:  An ability to relate fundamental knowledge related to pure sciences in aninterdisciplinary manner for providing innovative ideas to solve problems having global impact.

PEO-2: An ability to critically analyze scientific data, draw objective conclusions and applythis knowledge for human welfare. Students should be able to demonstrate expertise and ethical perspectiveon areas related to Biochemistry.

PEO-3: After completion of the program the students are well poised to pursue careers in academic, research   and industry in the areas of pharmaceutical and biotechnology.

PEO-4:  Life-long learning to retain and build on scientific skills and use them to updateknowledge and apply them in day to day life.

PEO-5: Understanding and Disciplinary knowledge of biochemistry, structure, function of biological molecules and its mechanisms.

Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs)


The Programme Educational Objectives of the M.Sc. in Immunology & Microbiology
programme at VISTAS are given below and are numbered from PEO1 to PEO4.

PEO 1: To provide the candidates with in-depth knowledge in immunology and microbiology and a firm grasp of the processes that employ or deal with microbes plus adept use of immunological techniques in relevant technologies that empowers them to deal with the safe and efficient use and monitoring of microbiological and immunological applications with development of competence on par with global standards and helps in the life-long learning of candidates.

PEO 2: To enable candidates by imparting updated analytical and hands-on skills to use and implement technological developments related to advanced and potential areas involving molecular diagnostics, automated systems of diagnosis, immunoblotting technology, upstream or downstream processing and nanotechnology with scope for upskilling upto future technologies so as to contribute effectively for Research & Development leading to patenting and publishing.

PEO 3: To train candidates to choose a decent career option either as Entrepreneur or having a high degree of employability; or pursue research – by providing training in interpersonal skills, sense of social responsibility, ethical and administrative acumen, ability to handle critical situations allowing them to be good team members and leaders as well as training to excel in competitive examinations.

PEO 4: To impart a strong sense of social responsibility with awareness of professional and societal ethical values and scope to develop leadership capabilities with the continuous need for lifelong learning.

Program Outcomes (PO) & Program Specific Outcome (PSO)


PO-1:  Scientific knowledge: Graduates will acquire biochemistry/biotechnology / bioinformatics/ microbiology specific knowledge, including recent techniques in the respective fields coupled with hands-on skills and leadership skills for a successful career.

PO-2:    Problem analysis: Graduates will be able to analyse, solve and troubleshoot problems in implementation of biochemistry/biotechnology/ microbiological protocols.

PO-3:    Design/development of solutions: Graduates will develop creative thinking and cooperate with each other to solve problems in the field of biochemistry/biotechnology/bioinformatics/ microbiology.

PO-4:    Conduct investigations of complex problems: Graduates will acquire practical skills – which help in planning and designing protocols to validate hypothesis and execute experimental techniques independently as well as assimilate, analyse and interpret subsequent data.

PO-5:    Modern tool usage and communication: Graduates will effectively be able to manage resources and time using ICT and computer enabled devices and accomplish ability to understand and communicate all ideas effectively.

PO-6:   Environment sustainability and Ethics: Graduates will get adequate knowledge to use information and implement solutions for environmental protection and remediation. Graduates will be aware of their role and responsibility in handling and use of microbes including genetically modified microorganisms.

PO-7:    Lifelong learning: Graduates will carry on to learn and adapt in a world of constantly evolving technology.


PSO1:    An ability to acquire in-depth theoretical and practical knowledge of Biochemistry and theability to apply the acquired knowledge to provide cost efficient solutions in Biochemistry.

PSO2:   An ability to properly understand the technical aspects of existing technologies that help in addressing the biological and medical challenges faced by humankind.

PSO3:    An ability to translate knowledge of Biochemistry to address environmental, intellectual, societal and ethical issues through case studies presented in the class.

Programme Outcomes (POs) & Programme Specific Outcomes(PSOs)


PO1: Scientific knowledge: Graduates will acquire biochemistry/biotechnology / bioinformatics/ microbiology specific knowledge, including recent techniques in the respective fields coupled with hands-on skills and leadership skills for a successful career.

PO2: Problem analysis: Graduates will be able to analyse, solve and troubleshoot problems in implementation of biochemistry/biotechnology/ microbiological protocols.

PO3: Design/development of solutions: Graduates will develop creative thinking and cooperate with each other to solve problems in the field of biochemistry/biotechnology/bioinformatics/ microbiology.

PO4: Conduct investigations of complex problems: Graduates will acquire practical skills – which help in planning and designing protocols to validate hypothesis and execute experimental techniques independently as well as assimilate, analyse and interpret subsequent data.

PO5: Modern tool usage and communication: Graduates will effectively be able to manage resources and time using ICT and computer enabled devices and accomplish ability to understand and communicate all ideas effectively.

PO6: Environment sustainability and Ethics: Graduates will get adequate knowledge to use information and implement solutions for environmental protection and remediation. Graduates will be aware of their role and responsibility in handling and use of microbes including genetically modified microorganisms.

PO7: Lifelong learning: Graduates will carry on to learn and adapt in a world of constantly evolving technology.



The overall outcome of graduates specific to M.Sc. in Immunology & Microbiology programme at VISTAS can be summarized as:


PSO 1: The ability to understand, implement and troubleshoot the concepts related to the fields of microbiology and immunology which will enable them to analyse and develop solutions to microbiology, immunology and rDNA related problems using knowledge and hands-on skills in microbiology, molecular identification, immunodiagnostics, screening for useful biomolecules and nanotechnology in the interpretation of data in relevant protocols.

PSO 2: The ability to gainfully become an entrepreneur by using microorganisms to mass produce biofertilizers, mushrooms or any other edible forms of SCP, fermented products and pharmaceutically important biomolecules as well as using knowledge, communication and practical hands-on training to become employed in diagnostic, industrial, pharmaceutical, food and research and development laboratories.

PSO 3: The ability to understand the principles and concepts underlying immunology and microbiology, including the interactions between microorganisms and the immune system and to Possess proficient laboratory skills in techniques relevant to immunology and microbiology, including culturing microorganisms, performing immunological assays, and molecular biology techniques such as PCR and sequencing etc.,

PSO 4: The ability to critically analyze the research in Immunology and Microbiology and to evaluate experimental design, methodology and interpretation of results and to understand the regulation of immune responses which includes the roles of different immune cells, cytokines and signaling pathways in health and disease.

PSO 5: For the effective scientific communication and to relate microbes and their role in ecosystem and public health research with wide opportunities and career prospects.

Curriculum & Syllabus



CategoryCourseHours/WeekCredits Maximum Marks
Lecture TutorialPracticalCASEETotal
LANGTamil I/
Hindi / French
ENGEnglish I50054060100
COREAlgebra & Trigonometry 40044060100
COREDifferential Calculus40044060100
COREPhysics Practical00214060100

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Curriculum & Syllabus



Hours/WeekMaximum Marks
Code No. CourseLectureTutorialPracticalCreditsCASEETotal
LANGTamil I/ Hindi / French 30034060100
ENGEnglish I30034060100
CORE1Biomolecule I31044060100
CORE2Basics of Nutrition31044060100
CORE3Human Physiology40044060100
COREPRACTICAL1 - Qualitative analysis of Biomolecules00424060100
COREPRACTICAL 2- Nutritional Biochemistry00424060100
AECCCommunication Skills10224060100
SECOrientation/Inducton programme / Life skills-------


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Curriculum & Syllabus



Hours/WeekMaximum Marks
Code No. CourseLectureTutorialPracticalCreditsCASEETotal
CoreCore 1 – Chemistry of Biomolecules40044060100
CoreCore 2- Advanced
CoreCore 3 – Cellular
CoreCore 4 – Biochemistry
& Instrumentation
DSE DSE 140044060100
DSE DSE 240044060100
SEC Soft Skill 1/
Sector Skill Course


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Eligibility Criteria

EligibilityCriteria for Merit
B.Sc. MathematicsPass in +2, HSC or equivalent with Biology / Maths / Physics / ChemistryMerit based on percentage of marks secured in the qualifying examination.

Curriculum & Syllabus- 2024

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Curriculum & Syllabus- 2024

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Eligibility Criteria

ProgramProgram Duration (Year)EligibilityCriteria for Merit
B.Sc Bio Chemistry3 Years (6 Semesters)Pass in +2, HSC or equivalent with Biology / Maths / Botany, Zoology / Physics / Chemistry / Nutrition & Dietetics, Microbiology, BiochemistryMerit based on the percentage of marks secured in the qualifying examination

Eligibility Criteria

ProgramProgram Duration (Year)EligibilityCriteria for Merit
M.Sc Biochemistry2 Years (4 Semesters)Degree in Zoology, Botany, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Microbiology, Genetics, Biotechnology, Agriculture, Bio informatics, Nutrition & Dietetics and Life Sciences, BVSc., (10+2+3 pattern)Merit based on the percentage of marks secured in the qualifying examination

Career Prospects



  • Data Analyst
  • Machine Learning Engineer
  • Operational Researcher
  • Financial/Investment Analyst
  • Research Assistant/Scientist
  • General Management
  • Actuarial Science
  • Accountancy and Professional Service

Career Prospects



  • Academic Researcher
  • Analytical Chemist
  • Biomedical Scientist
  • Biotechnologist
  • Clinical Research Associate
  • Clinical Scientist, Biochemistry
  • Forensic Scientist
  • Nanotechnologist
  • Pharmacologist
  • Physician Associate
  • Research Scientist (Life Science)
  • Scientific Laboratory Technician
  • Health and Safety Inspector
  • Medical Science Liaison
  • Neuroscientist
  • Patent Examiner
  • Science writer
  • Toxicologist

Career Prospects



  • Forensic scientist
  • Research analyst
  • Medical coder
  • Food safety analyst
  • Food inspector
  • Medical Representative
  • Quality control in R & D of pharma and biotech companies.

Alumni Testimonials

Alumni Testimonials

Alumni Testimonials

Fee Structure

Tuition Fee per yearAdministration FeeRegistration FeeMisc.
(Per Sem)
Skill Enhancement Fee
(Per Year)
Exam Fee
(Per Sem)
At the time of admissionEven SemOdd Sem
30,000 6,8003,3003005,000310033,50018,40023,400

Fee Structure

Tuition Fee 2024 - 2025 (Per Sem)Other Fee (Per Sem)
Total Fee 2024 - 2025 (Per Sem)

Fee Structure

Tuition Fee 2023 - 2024 (Per Sem)
Other Fee (Per Sem)
Total Fee 2024 - 2025 (Per Sem)

Faculty of the Department

Sl. No.
Name of the Faculty
Educational Qualification
Vidwan IDPhotos
1Dr.Usharani.BProfessor & HeadM.Sc., M.Phil, Ph.D232684
2Dr.Padmini.RAssociate ProfessorM.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.232529
3Dr.Shobana.CAssociate ProfessorM.Sc., Ph.D232492
4Dr.Vidya.RAssociate ProfessorM.Sc., M.Phil, Ph.D250258
5Dr.Amudha.PAssistant ProfessorM.Sc., M.Phil, Ph.D173368
6Dr.Rohini.DAssistant ProfessorM.Sc., M.Phil, Ph.D367575