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Department of Computer Science

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The Department of Computer Science in Vels Institute of Science Technology and Advanced studies (VISTAS) was established in the year 2009 and it was accredited by the UGC, NAAC. The department offers Undergraduate programmes;B.Sc (Computer Science),M.Sc (Computer Science), B.Sc Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, B.Sc Computer Science with Cyber Security, M.Sc (Computer Science), M.Phil(Computer Science)and doctorate programme.. The syllabus of each programme covers the latest developments in their corresponding stream and has been designed based on the students’ developing skills in industry and research-oriented fields and to equip them for  common national level examinations. The strong infrastructure of services is key to ensuring academic success of higher learning.

The academic programmes are based on the Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) which provides students with an open choice of courses comprising core, elective courses  project work. The major thrust of the department includes Data Mining, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Cyber Security and Computer Vision.

The department has highly qualified faculty members with rich experience in teaching and research; some of them have visited international institutions of repute for collaborative teaching and  research programs while some others presented their research findings in international forums abroad.  Members of the faculty regularly publish research articles in indexed, peer reviewed international and national journals. The syllabus is consciously designed to help students assimilate  at every stage, the rapid trends and progressive growth in this exciting field. Students are admitted by selection through merit—based on percentage of marks.

About 90% of the students were  placed in various reputed companies like Tech Mahindra, HCL,  CTS,TCS,Accenture, Wipro etc. Apart from Placement activities, students of Computer Science have opted for M.Sc. and M.C.A degree programmes in various reputed Instituitons inIndia and abroad.The Department has signed Memorandum of Understanding to facilitate research activities of the students with the Reputed Organisations.


To educate students to be successful, to be ethical and effective problem-solvers and Life-Long

Learners who will contribute positively to the economic well-being of our region and nation.


  • To provide value based high quality education.
  • To impart and train the latest developments.
  • To increase Research activities among Students.
  • To prepare  students to compete with the industrial standards.
  • B.Sc (Computer Science),
  • M.Sc (Computer Science),
  • B.Sc Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning,
  • B.Sc Computer Science with Cyber Security
  • M.Phil(Computer Science),
  • Ph.D(Computer Science)

Faculty-Student Ratio: UG:30:1;PG:20:1


Facilities Available in Department 

  1. ICT Enabled Classrooms
  2. Wi-Fi Facility
  3. State-of-Art Laboratories
  4. Well Equipped Library

UG:Candidates for admission to the first year of the Degree of Bachelor of Computer Science shall be required to have passed the Higher Secondary Examinations (Academic Stream) conducted by the Government of Tamil Nadu or an Examination with Mathematics or Computer Science/ Business Mathematics/ Statistics accepted as equivalent thereof by the Syndicate of the Vels Institute of Science, Technology & Advanced Studies.

PG:Candidates for admission to the first year of the Degree of Master of Computer Science shall be required to pass the UG degree Examinations (Academic Stream) conducted with Mathematics and Computer Science accepted as equivalent thereof by the Syndicate of the Vels Institute of Science, Technology & Advanced Studies.

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