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The course will focus on the psychological determinants of effective communication, basic pronunciation and diction, voice modulation, camera friendliness and script writing. Students will get grounding in Communications theory, after which they will learn to face the camera with confidence. Students will be taught different anchoring techniques. They will be taught to cover/conduct events in a variety of situations and environments such as political news coverage, celebrity events, sports, crime and entertainment events. Students will be taught to write scripts, use teleprompter, and take confidence building exercises. 


Course Outcome:

At the end of the course, learners will be able to: 

CO1:  Learning the vernacular language communication skill 

CO2: Importance of social factors in related to human communication and understanding the audience psychology.

CO3: Managing the shooting floor and knowing the 180 degree camera perspective position.

CO4: Learning the various types of programmes and their genres.

CO5: Executing the show effectively in terms of Language, communication, attitude and Body gestures.


Unit: I Rise of an Anchor                                                                    

Communication: concepts, processes and functions, Interpersonal, Group and Mass-communication, Verbal, non verbal and visual communication, Models of communication and the latest trend in the development of the theory of human communication, Society, culture and communication media, Origin and growth of mass media Mass communication and individual Information needs, patterns of human behavior impact, motivation and action.

Unit: II Communication                                                                    

The importance of Language and communication and learning the Language and mass communication and society, Speech Communication, Communication dynamics, Public Speaking, Interpersonal communication and Video as a medium of communication.

Unit: III Workshop                                                                            

Communicating with your viewer/listener: presentation workshop, The importance of research in building up a story / programme and the visible and invisible factors that one may face in producing a wholesome and balanced programme. 

Unit: IV Interviews and Discussions                                                 

Editorial Meetings: How to take part in and conduct them, Conducting Interviews for radio, Anchoring Panel Discussion, Preparing a Project Proposal, Production Costing, Electronic News Gathering Camera – What it is, how it works, how to handle it and how to take care of it, various types of shots and how to take them.

Unit: V Project Work                                                                     

TV News Bulletin Unit and Preparing and Processing a Magazine programme, Presentation of a TV Show Preparation where a student performance is recorded, edited and presented as a project work.



Total: 60 Hrs