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This subject will explore the basic concepts of Storyboarding and allow students to create and review storyboards of their own. Concepts addressed will include: tools, methods and techniques, visual storytelling and narrative structure, shot composition, “acting,” and character development, among others. Following this course, students will have the basic skills necessary to produce their own workable storyboards and/or animatics and will have a strong foundation in the fundamentals of sequential visual narrative.


At the end of the course, learners will be able to:

CO1: Have a very good knowledge of planning processes of visual storytelling. 

CO2: Gain knowledge about Types of lay outs, concept and story developing idea,               

          types and concepts.

CO3: Have detailed understanding of, posing, staging and camera move, Shot and camera angle 

CO4: Create cartoon work, graphic novel style.  

CO5: Create book illustration in different style and technique. 


Unit: I THE STORYBOARDS BEGINNINGS                                       

Introduction to storyboarding,  Preproduction process, Basic of Storyboards, screenplay and picturing, shots and storyboard panels., script, one line order, types of story board technique, Thumbnail story boards, and the planning processes of visual storytelling. shot types, continuity, pacing, transitions and sequence, cinematic ,storyboard.

Unit: II BASIC OF THE STORYBOARD                                                  

Types of lay outs, concept and story developing, idea, script Foreground, Middle Ground and Background,   Developing Drawing Skills, Shot, Angles, Building the Storyboard, study of Classic Film Examples. 

Unit: III SHOT ANGLES                                                                              

Shot types, angles cuts, posing, staging and camera move, Shot and every camera angle, tilt, pan close-up extreme close up, Extreme Close-Up Establishing Shot,  Long Shot background, Medium Shot, low angle, high angle, different perspectives. 

Unit: IV STORY BOARD FOR COMIC                                                    

Cartoon story boards, Color story board, black and white story board, fantasy story board, storyboard samples, graphic novel storyboard, staging figures, dialogue and captions, manga storyboards. comic,book,like story sketches.

Unit: V STORY BOARD FOR BOOKS                                               

Introduction to book illustration story boards, front page story boards, picture book storyboard, scenes for chapters of the stories, story boards for poems, and advertising story board.



Total: 60 Hrs