PEO1: To inculcate basic knowledge, comprehensive skills with continuous enrichment of theoretical& practical knowledge of national & international standardsin the field of pharmaceutical sciences
PEO2: To provide hands on training in the field of Clinical, Hospital & Community pharmacy with adequate knowledge on Laws & Regulations pertinent to the Profession of Pharmacy..
PEO3: To incorporate knowledge and skills with clinical research to promote health care and pharmaceutical care.
PEO4: To infuse professional responsibilities and ethical standards among the students to render healthcare service to the mankind and society and to inculcate leadership capabilities as member of health care team.
PO1: Pharmaceutical & Clinical Knowledge]: Graduate will acquire knowledge in the field of pharmaceutical sciences and will effectively involve in the drug discovery, development, distribution, sale and safe use of medicines and assist in the development of policies for drug use.
PO2: Clinical Problem Analysis]: Graduates will apply quality principles of pharmacy practice to promote evidence- based practice by streamlining management plans for preventive healthcare and promote cost effective therapy without compromising quality of treatment of individual patients and populations.
PO3: Ethics & Life Long Learning]: Graduates will be composed enough to deal with patients behavior and participates in social activity and address future challenges through lifelong learning in wider context of growing research and technological change with ethical principles, responsibilities and norms of the pharmacy practice.
PSO1: Students elucidate patient care in performing medication counseling, medication history, medication chart review, drugs and poison information and interpretations of Clinical laboratory data which impacts on Pharmacotherapy
PSO2: Students assist physician to analyze and provide solution for the critical cases in hospitals/Clinics for improved therapy outcome and better patient compliance