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Department of Tamil

The Department of Tamil offers Foundation Course in Tamil under Part-I and which is common to all Under-Graduate students and Ph.D programme in Tamil. The Foundation Course in Tamil is a comprehensive two semester course for the students of B.Sc Visual Communication, Bachelor of Business Administration, Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Computer Applications Courses and a four semester course for the students of other B.Sc. programmes offered by VISTAS.  Students who have taken Tamil as their second language at the +2 level are eligible to take up this course.

Department of Hindi

The Department of Hindi offers Foundation Course in Hindi under Part-I and Ph.D Prgramme in Hindi. The Foundation Course in Hindi under Part-I is meant for Under-Graduate students who have taken Hindi as their second language at the +2 level. The well-designed curriculum includes masterpieces of Hindi literature which initiates the students to improve their communicative competency and creative ability in Hindi.

Department of French

The Department of French offers Foundation Course French under Part-I for Under-Graduate students who opt for French. The curriculum includes all important aspects of the French language and literature. The students who have taken French at their +2 level are eligible to take up this course