HISTORY OF MUSIC – 2 4 0 0 4
After the Tamil treatises, the outline of the chapters of the medieval music treatises will be taken up along with how Royal patronage created seats of music.
UNIT 1 12
Outline Knowledge of Sangita Ratnakara
UNIT 2 12
Outline Knowledge of Caturdandi Prakashika
UNIT 3 12
Opera – Rama Natakam
UNIT 4 12
Royal Patronage – Chola Kings
UNIT 5 12
Seats of Music- Tanjore
Total: 60h
At the end of this course the students will be able to,
CO-1: Get outline knowledge on the musical treatise Sangita Ratnakara
CO-2: Get outline knowledge on the musical treatise Caturdandi Prakashika
CO-3: Get outline of the Musical opera Rama Natakam
CO-4: Appreciate the patronage of the Chola kings and their contribution to Karnatic Music
CO-5: Understand the importance of Tanjore as a Seat of Music.
Tanjore as a Seat of Music (During the 17,18, 19th centuries) by Dr. S. Seetha, University of Music, 1981
Ramanatakam of Arunchala Kavirayar
Sarngadeva’s Sangita Ratnakara Vol 1 to Vol.4, Subhadra Chaudhary,Radha Publications, New Delhi, 2000
Sangeeta Ratnakaram – A study,R.Rangaramanuja Ayyangar,Wilco Publishing House, Bombay,1978
The Chaturdandi Prakasika of Venkatamakhin, The Music Academy Madras, 1986
Chozhargal Book-1 by Dr. K.A. NilakantaSastri, 2013