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PO-1: Scientific knowledge: Graduates will acquire biochemistry/biotechnology /
bioinformatics/ microbiology specific knowledge including recent techniques in the respective
fields coupled with hands-on skills and leadership skills for a successful career.

PO-2: Problem analysis: Graduates will be able to analyse, solve and troubleshoot problems in
implementation of biochemistry/biotechnology/ microbiological protocols.

PO-3: Design/development of solutions: Graduates will develop creative thinking and cooperate
with each other to solve problems in the field of biochemistry/biotechnology/bioinformatics/

PO-4: Conduct investigations of complex problems: Graduates will acquire practical skills –
which help in planning and designing protocols to validate hypothesis and execute experimental
techniques independently as well as assimilate, analyse and interpret subsequent data.

PO-5: Modern tool usage and communication: Graduates will effectively be able to manage
resources and time using ICT and computer enabled devices and accomplish ability to
understand and communicate all ideas effectively.

PO-6: Environment sustainability and Ethics: Graduates will get adequate knowledge to use
information and implement solutions for environmental protection and remediation. Graduates
will be aware of their role and responsibility in handling and use of microbes including
genetically modified microorganisms.

PO-7: Lifelong learning: Graduates will carry on to learn and adapt in a world of constantly
evolving technology.