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PO1: Graduates of the Master of Physiotherapy program will demonstrate communication skills to Work creatively and effectively to uphold the professional standards and relationships with a range of stakeholders like patients, care takers, family members and other clients.

PO2:Graduates of the Master of Physiotherapy program will demonstrate cognitive and creative skills to Critically evaluate and apply physiotherapy approaches, paradigms and techniques and utilise appropriate, evidence-based skills, techniques and practice in managing and treating people with injury, disability or illness in a range of health care and/or rehabilitation settings.

PO3:Graduates of the Master of Physiotherapy program will demonstrate technical skills to Integrate the core areas of physiotherapy practice with emphasis on demonstrated mastery of evidence-based practice, clinical skills, clinical reasoning and decision making in order to apply creativity and initiative to new situations in professional practice.

PO4:Graduates of the Master of Physiotherapy program will demonstrate the broad application of knowledge and skills to solve problems individually and independently justify diagnostic decisions and management strategies on basic of clinical assessment findings.

PO5:Graduates of the Master of Physiotherapy program will demonstrate technical skills to apply treatment methods and techniques, to address client needs, safely and with appropriate regard to professional and legislative guidelines, standards and requirements.



PSO1: To recognize the key importance of child health priority of the country.

PSO2: To understand and identify the social economical, biological and emotional determinants of the child

PSO3: To evaluate a complete physical assessment including the neurodevelopmental, behavioural and anthropometric measurements of the child and provide advanced therapeutic interventions in Paediatric physiotherapy.

PSO4: To demonstrate evidence-based guidelines on clinical decision-making skills in Paediatric physiotherapy