PO1: Assess the problems, gather data related to the problem, generate and prioritize a set of alternative solutions, and select and implement the best alternative incorporating the recommendations of relevant codes of practice.
PO2: Design, analyze, conduct numerical experiments, and interpret data of compound automotive engineering related problems.
PO3: Develop automotive engineering practices and principles to a project and lead the team for efficient project management considering economical and financial factors
PO4: Justify the impact of engineering solutions on environment and the need for sustainable development.
PO5: Implement the relevant techniques, skills, advanced modern engineering tools, instrumentation and software packages necessary for engineering practices.
PO6: Build competent technical knowledge to practice automotive engineering business and develop ideas to amalgamate the existing and contemporary knowledge.
PSO1: Select, design, conduct experiments, and interpret data of an automotive system to meet the requirements of an automobile industry by using modern engineering tools and software.
PSO2: Produce the appropriate techniques and modern engineering hardware and software tools in the design and integration of automotive system for the advancement of technology.