This course introduces the students into the craft and art of screenwriting and cutting edge concepts so that the student can begin writing a full length screenplay. The students are trained to develop the skills of critical analysis, oral and extemporaneous skills needed to pitch a treatment and work collaboratively and most importantly the skills that awaken imagination, originality and inventiveness in the dramatic medium to helps them to write a screenplay.
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course, learners will be able to:
CO1: Learns the purpose about film and television screenplay structure.
CO2: Analyzing the dramatic strategies in film and television.
CO3: Learning and applying correct script form.
CO4: Creatively encaging in the various stages of original scriptwriting.
CO5: Understanding the elements of screenplay with well developed plot, characters and setting.
Unit: I Writing a Dramatic / Comedy Scene
Students are given a task to write Dramatic/Comedic SceneUsing action, dialogue, narrative instruction, and parenthetical and asides to write a2-3 page dramatic/comedic scene. The scene should involve at least two characters, and demonstrate conflict at either an interpersonal or extra-personal level.
Unit: II Analysis
In this task the students will view and analyze a half-hour sit-com, a one-hour drama,and a feature-length film outside of the class. They will also distinguish between formal elements (e.g. inciting incident and obligatory scene), and must do judge their effectiveness within the context of the larger work.
Unit: III Knowledge Assessment
A Shot term exam is conducted to assess the knowledge of critical vocabulary,oral, extemporaneous skills of the student and also to ask a series of open questions about the form and content of screenplays read in class the classroom.
Unit: IV Writing a Screenplay
The Students must work in groups of three to conceive and construct a 5-10 page short film screenplay. They must write a plot synopsis, character history, treatment, polished script, Blurb, and tag-line of the story and all of which will be submitted in a portfolio at the end of the semester.
Unit: V Critical Response/Class Participation
Critical response and Class participation of the student is vital to success in this class.
During the second half of the semester, students will be working on their short film screenplays. As part of the workshop requirement, students will be expected to critically respond to classmates work and if prompted they explain and defend their own.
Total: 60 Hrs