Course Objective:
Students will acquire a theoretical, historical, conceptual and critical understanding of television production. They will learn the basic terminology and concepts of television production and will understand the theory of television production as it applies to the interplay of visual and auditory elements within the television studio.
Course Outcome
At the end of the course, learners will be able to:
CO1: Know about the difference between the TV medium and Film medium.
CO2: Acquire the significant knowledge about the various types of video formats and television production methods.
CO3: Understand the grammar of studio production and the key roles of production team.
CO4: Understand the Production & Post production process in detail.
CO5: Acquire an in-depth knowledge about the techniques to handle and manage the problems
in each phase of production.
Class Exercise
(Students has to practices all Ten exercises)
(Each exercise carries 4 marks)
(Ten exercises x 3 marks = 40 marks & 10 marks for Regularity & Discipline- Total- 40 Marks)
- Practicing with Camera parts & Tripod
- Working with Lens
- Practicing with Visual Mixer
- Framing
- Composition
- Different Shots & Camera Angles
- Camera Movements
- Multi Camera Setup
- Understanding Lighting Equipments
- Practicing Lighting Techniques
Record Work:
- Short Film (Maximum 5 mins)
- Video Album (Maximum 3 mins)
- Corporate Film (Maximum 5 mins)
(The Students have to submit any one exercise as Record Work in the digital form
for Practical exam, which will be evaluated by the External Examiner)