Course Objective:
This subject discusses a range of literature which explores the importance of the visual to contemporary societies and offers a broad analytical framework for understanding how images have social effects. Suggest some criteria for a critical approach to visual materials.
Course Outcome
At the end of the course, learners will be able to:
CO1: Respond verbally and in writing to questions regarding history, design and significance.
CO2: Interpret motivation and societal forces behind the process of meaning making.
CO3: Visually recognize the psychology of human characteristics in terms of social subjectivity.
CO4: Understanding the post modern and post colonial visual text approaches.
CO5: Knowing the visual texts approach made in terms with Marxists ideologies.
Unit: I Visual messages and meanings 12
The six perceptions of visual message: Personal, Historical, Technical, Ethical, Cultural Critical perspectives. Semiotic Analysis – Aspects of sign and symbols.
Unit: II Marxist Approach
Basic concepts of Marxist social Analysis – Class nature of media – Marxist approach to media
Texts – Hegemony – Althusser’s Ideology – Base and super structure
Unit: III Theory of semiotics and visuality
The sign and the meaning making processes. Way of describing signs. Paradigmatic and
syntagmatic aspects of sign.Signs and codes, referent systems and mythologies.Slippery
signs.Audience and Interpretation.
Unit: IV Psychology of human characteristics in terms of social subjectivity
Psychological and visuality.Subjectivity, Sexuality and the unconscious.The castration complex
and visual pleasure.Phallocentrism.Voyeurism.Lancanian gazes: other ways of seeing – Laura
Mulvey and visual pleasure.
Unit: V Feminism and its approach to visual medium
Feminist approaches to visuals. Women and representation.Stereotyping.Gender discrimination.
Post Modernism and visual analysis. Application of visual analysis tools to different media texts.
Total: 60 Hrs