New! ODL -DEB Proposal 2023-2024 New! Admission 2024-2025 Admissions - AHS Chat with a Student

Course Objective:

With the advent of various music channels on TV, Video jockeying is becoming an exciting career option for the music crazy generation. The main job of the Video Jockey is to introduce music videos and host music related shows on Television. But as competition increases, music channels are on the trend of incorporating many diverse shows to attract the public, especially the youth. So the Video Jockey’s area of work involves apart from introducing videos; hosting game to travel shows to youth forums, chatting with the public, doing interviews with artists and music celebrities etc. This course teaches them theoretically and practically to act as intermediary figures between the audience and the musicians or music videos


Course Outcome:

CO1: Learning the vernacular language communication skill

CO2: Importance of social factors in related to human communication and understanding the audience psychology.

CO3: Managing the shooting floor and knowing the 180 degree camera perspective position.

CO4: Learning the various types of programmes and their genres.

CO5: Executing the show effectively in terms of Language, communication, attitude and Body gestures.


Unit I Off-Camera Works

Involving off- camera work like deciding on the theme and choosing the songs to suit the theme of the show. Scheduling the songs according to the theme and concept of the program which is based according to the genre and situation of the songs. Planning for Reality shows like Road show, Celebrity interviews, Movie promotional Interviews, Talk show and for special day Television  programs.

Unit II   Script Preparation for Television Shows                                      

Writing Dialogue Scripts for Television shows in terms of their differences like Reality show, Game shows and promotional shows and how to participate in promotional videos like road shows, attending theme parties and with experience, even writing script for the show at times.

Unit III Preparations for Audition                                                                

Knowing the atmosphere and understanding the various interior set up of shooting floor where the audition is conducted. Approach methods and behavior patterns towards the producer and the technical team. The right way of positioning yourself in the shooting floor according to the show. Right kind of Costume knowledge and sense of dressing etiquette. Self grooming and Make over methods for showing yourself presentable as a video jockey.

Unit IV On Performance                                                                               

Modes of speech, Styles of talking in accordance with the show script, Dialogue delivery styles adjoining with body gestures. Presence of mind during the interaction with the celebrity and audiences which defines the proper viewing value for the show.

Unit V Updation in Music Genres                                                                  

Teaching how VJs must constantly keep up-to-date on the latest trends in music, all the latest videos and information about music stars and other celebrities. In that sense, they take upon a more journalistic role. They also should have a well-rounded knowledge of all types of music and also should be informed about a bit of everything from films to politics to travel whatever the theme the show demands. Some of them specialize in a particular area or genre of music. They must be able to answer any queries about music and must fulfill their roles as experts. VJ’s interaction with the viewers through telephone, e-mail or fax.



Total: 60 Hrs