New! ODL -DEB Proposal 2023-2024 New! Admission 2024-2025 Admissions - AHS Chat with a Student


To be a centre of excellence in the field of Electronics & Communication Engineering (ECE) equipped with the state of art technologies to produce highly competent, resourceful and ethical young professionals who  canproduce innovative solutions to the needs of the society and excel in the varied professions globally. 


  • To impart strong theoretical and experimental foundations in Electronics & Communication Engineering that would enable students to be competent in the growing technical demands and challenges.
  • To facilitate appropriate technical exposure on the latest and cutting edge technologies through academic and collaborative interactions with industry, academia and research organizations.
  • To foster an environment of excellence in fundamental and applied research evident through Product development, Patents, Projects, Publications in SCI and WOS journals, Books and Conferences. 
  • To participate in the development of the nation through social and ethical commitments by promoting innovation, research and entrepreneurship.