Five Days Online FDP

Five Days Online FDP

Five Days Online FDP on

Role of Industry 4.0 in Research and Higher Education (15th Dec to 21st Dec 2021)

The Department of Computer Applications, School of Computing Sciences has organized National level Online five days Faculty Development Programme from 15th December 2021 to 21st December 2021.

The FDP mainly focused on “The Role of Industry4.0 in Research and Higher Education  “. The FDP was inaugurated on 15th December 2021 by Dr. S. Sriman Narayanan, Vice-Chancellor, VISTAS. The gathering was welcomed by Dr. P. Mayilvahanan, Director, School of Computing Sciences and the HOD Dr. S. Prasanna delivered the Special address. The research scholars, faculty member of various colleges attended this FDP. Each and Every session of the FDP were addressed by the organizing members of the Department of Computer Applications.

Ten eminent experts from various parts of Chennai and Bangalore were invited to share their wisdom and vast experience on the topic. The Key Speaker of the opening day was Dr. V. Ajantha Devi, Research Head, AP3 Solutions,Chennai and Dr. K. Hema Shankari, Associate Professor, Women’s Christian College, Chennai. The Second day speakers were Dr. C. R. Rene Robin, Professor (CSE) & Dean (Innovation),Sri Sairam Engineering College, Chennai and Dr. M. Priyadarshini, Associate Professor, School of Computer Science and Engineering, Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai. The day 3 Speakers were Dr. Doreen Robin,Director,CIRF, Chennai and Dr. S. Asha, Associate Professor(senior), School of Computer Science and Engineering & centre for Cyber Physical Systems, Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai Campus. The Speakers of fourth day FDP were Dr. A. Jaya, Professor, Dept of MCA , B.S A Crescent university, Chennai and  Ms. T. Gomathi, Assistant Professor & HoD,  Department of Computer Applications, CRM Institute of Technology, Bengaluru. The Fifth day Speakers wer Dr. D. Dhanya, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science Engineering,Mar Ephraem College of Engineering and Technology, Marthandam, Tamil Nadu and Dr. Doreen Robin,Director,CIRF, Chennai. These sessions included varied topics in the domain of The Role of Industry4.0 in Research and Higher Education, where the usage of technology in higher education. This also gave an insight to the participants on various methodologies used, the changes required to deliver the best education in best quality.

The FDP received a lot of positive feedback from faculty members and research scholars from many universities of India. There were 125 enthusiastic participants in total, who took part in the 5-day online FDP. Each session was of 90 minutes and included open questions, answer session. Google Meet was the platform used and the session links, feedback links were shared every morning for the day. The registered participants were engaged in a special WhatsApp group and by email. The recordings are being uploaded on the YouTube Channel of The Department of Computer Applications, VISTAS.

  E-certificates were awarded to all registered participants by email.