Mathematical Modelling

Mathematical Modelling

School of Basic Sciences
Department of Mathematics
Minutes of the Meeting for the Guest Lecture

For the academic year 2022–2023 (Even semester), The Department of Mathematics set up a guest lecture meeting on March 14, 2023, in the Virtual Learning Center, First Floor, Library, VISTAS. For this guest lecture, Dr. A. David Maxim Guru raj was asked to be a resource person. He is an Associate Professor inthe Department of Mathematics, School of Advanced Studies, at VIT University inChennai.
Ms. R. Dhivya, III B.Sc.Mathematics compered the whole program. This meeting started with Tamizh-Thai Vazhthu at1 p.m.
Dr. S. Meenakshi, Associate Professor/HOD, Department of Mathematics,VISTAS, gave the welcome speech.
Dr. V. Maheswari, Professor, Department of Mathematics; VISTAS, gave an introduction talk about the resource person. On behalf of the Department of Mathematics, the resource person is honored by the HOD.
The resource person delivered his talk on “MATHEMATICAL MODELLING” with excellent and informative messages to the students through a PPT presentation. He explained each model with illustrations. He also interacted with
students in an elegant way to share his ideas and analyze the behavior of real-life
situations using mathematical modeling.
60 students from various fields and faculties from various departments attended this guest lecture. The program’s outcome was beneficial in assisting the depth of knowledge in visualizing things in real life through the use of mathematics. It
provided a comprehensive idea of mathematical modeling as well as real-life applications.
In the end, Mr. Charles Rabinson, Assistant Professor in the Mathematics Department at VISTAS, gave a vote of thanks.
The organizing committee members, Dr. V. Maheswari, Dr. R. Kamali, Mr. G. Charles Rabinson, and Dr. M. Raji, set up this lecture so that research scholars and postgraduates of various disciplines could benefit from it