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MCA – Shift 2


Our Vision is to be a center of excellence in IT education, training and research, aiming to wards carrying out advanced research and development in information and software technologies, and in leveraging IT in specific domain areas enabling students to become innovators and entrepreneurs.


  • To be a department of excellence in technical education, widely known for the development of competent and socially responsible IT professionals, entrepreneurs and researchers.
  • To promote professionals with knowledge and understanding, by providing them with latest developments in Computer Applications so that they contribute not only to the progress of software and its applications but even encompass the entire domain of computer technology.
  • To impart quality education for long lasting development and opportunity in an extensive career
    in the various fields of Computer science/ Information Technology.
  • To increase innovative learning to the needs of Industry and Society
  • To be the source of bringing out globally competent pioneering computing professionals,
    researchers, innovators and entrepreneurs.

Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs)


PEO1: To learn the formal and real time applications using the computer programming and the design principle.

PEO2: To experience their software skills with their creative design, develop team culture and to have effective communication in their work.

PEO3: To empower and inculcate entrepreneurship and managerial skills among the students in finding innovative solutions to the real-world problems in collaboration with industry and professional societies.

PEO4: Students exhibit effective work ethics and be able to adapt to the challenges of a dynamic job environment and publish their research finding in indexed conferences and Journals

Programme Outcomes (POs) & Programme Specific Outcomes(PSOs)


PO1: Computational Knowledge: Apply knowledge of computing fundamentals, computing specialization, mathematics, and domain knowledge appropriate for the computing specialization to the abstraction and conceptualization of computing models from defined problems
and requirements.

PO2:Problem Analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and solve complex computing problems reaching Substantiated conclusions using fundamental principles of mathematics, computing sciences, and relevant domain disciplines.

PO3: Design /Development of Solutions: Design and evaluate solutions for complex computing problems, and design and evaluate systems, components, or processes that meet specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal, and
environmental considerations.

PO4: Conduct Investigations of Complex Computing Problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.

PO5: Modern Tool Usage: Create, select, adapt and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern computing tools to complex computing activities, with an understanding of the limitations.

PO6: Professional Ethics: Understand and commit to professional ethics and cyber regulations, responsibilities, and norms of professional computing practice.

PO7: Life-long Learning: Recognize the need, and have the ability, to engage in independent learning for continual Development as a computing professional.

PO8: Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the computing and management Principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to Manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.

PO9: Communication Efficacy: Communicate effectively with the computing community, and with society at large, about complex computing activities by being able to comprehend and write effective reports, design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and understand clear instructions.

PO10: Societal and Environmental Concern: Understand and assess societal, environmental, health, safety, legal, and cultural
issues within local and global contexts, and the consequential responsibilities relevant to professional computing practice.


PSO1: Be well versed in the various software and logical skills like Java Programming, Python Programming, Database concepts etc.

PSO2: Be competent in the fundamentals of software and hardware concepts and the emerging technologies in networks, recent trends in computer science field.

Curriculum & Syllabus



Code No.Code No.CourseHours/Week
CORE2CMCA11Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science4105
CORE22CMCA12C Programming and Data Structures4105
CORE22CMCA13Relational Database Systems4004
CORE22CMCA14Operating Systems3003
CORE22CMCA15Software Engineering3003
SECSoft Skill - I2002
CORE22PMCA11C Programming and Data Structures Laboratory0042
CORE22PMCA12Relational Database Systems Laboratory0042

View full course curriculum



Eligibility Criteria

ProgramProgram Duration (Year)EligibilityCriteria for Merit
MCA - 2 years2 Years (4 Semesters)BCA / Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science Engineering or
Equivalent degree
B.Sc. / B.Com. / B.A./ B.B.A with Mathematics at +2 Level or at Graduation Level (with additional bridge Course as per the norms of the concerned University)
Merit based on Vels Entrance examination score and Merit based on percentage of marks secured in the qualifying examination

Career Prospects



  • Software Developer
  • Database Engineer
  • Web Designer
  • Cloud Architect
  • Data Scientist
  • Data Analyst
  • Chief Information Officer
  • Computer Programmer
  • Computer Scientist
  • Computer Systems Analyst
  • Database Administration
  • Information Systems Manager
  • Web Developer

Alumni Testimonials

Fees Structure

Tuition Fee 2023 - 2024 (Per Sem)
Other Fee (Per Sem) Total Fee (Per Sem)

Faculty of the Department

Sl. No.
Name of the Faculty
Educational Qualification
Area of Specialization
Experience in Years
Vidwan IDPhotos
1Dr.Magesh KumarDirectorMCA ., Ph.DImage Processing25 yrs-
2Dr.Priya Anand.RProfessor and HeadMCA., M.Phil.,Ph.D.,Data Mining, Information Security , Big Data23 years 6 months234291
3Dr.Perumal.SProfessor and HeadM.Sc., M.Phil.,P.h.DImage Processing, Data Analytics, Cloud Computing, IOT28 years263415
4Dr.Prasanna.SProfessorMCA., M.Phil.,Ph.D.,Image Processing & Operating System23 Years 3months232536
5Dr.Jayalakshmi.VProfessorMCA., M.Phil., NET., SET., Ph.D.Wireless Network, Image Processing & Data Mining and Big Data23 years-
6Dr.Kamalakannan.TProfessorM.C.A. M.Phil., SET, Ph.DData Mining25 years 5 months250928
7Dr.Thailambal.GAssociate ProfessorMCA., M.Phil., Ph.DData Mining, Text Mining, Pattern Matching & Machine Learning20 yrs232467
8Dr.Arunachalam.A.SAssociate ProfessorMCA., M.Phil.,Ph.DData Mining, Image Processing and Networking, Data Science, Big Data20 yrs173795
9Dr.Bagavathi Lakshmi.RAssociate ProfessorMCA.,M.Phil., Ph.DData Mining & Internet of Things16 years 2 months472626
10Dr.Meenakshi.CAssociate ProfessorM.C.A., M.Phil., Ph.D.,Artificial Intelligence - NLP, ML18 years 1month182243
11Dr.Devi RadhakrishnanAssociate ProfessorM.C.A, M.Phil., SET, NET., Ph.DImage Processing , Data Mining & Cloud Computing17 years 6 months232625
12Dr.Thirunavukkarasu.K.SAssistant ProfessorM.Sc,M.Phil, Ph.DData Mining15 years 5 month291351
13Dr.Sumalatha.VAssociate ProfessorMCA.,M.Phil(CS)., Ph.D.,SET.Machine Learning , Cloud computing, Data Science, Image Processing17 years 1 month234081
14Dr.Jebathangam.JAssociate ProfessorM.C.A, M.Phil., Ph.DImage Processing & Machine Learning16 years3 months250023
15Dr.Shanthi.CAssociate ProfessorM.C.A. M.Phil., Ph.DMobile Computing18 years 6 months233836
16Dr.Jeyalaksshmi.SAssociate ProfessorMCA, M.Phil, Ph.DImage Processing, Data Mining & Internet of Things20 years 2 months116757
17Dr.Nagasundaram.SAssistant ProfessorM.C.A., M.Phil., Ph.D.,Cloud Computing, Software Engineering,18 years 1 months249872
18Dr.Poongodi.AAssistant ProfessorMCA., M.Phil., Ph.DData Mining21 years 4 month431315
Dr.Lipsa NayakAssistant ProfessorMCA., M.Phil., Ph.DBig Data, Cloud Computing1 year 5 months467976
20Dr.Krithika.D.RAssistant ProfessorMCA.,M.Phil.,Ph.DBig Data Analytics, Data Science, AI, ML, Data Mining1 year 5 months431400
21Dr.Jayamangala.HAssistant ProfessorMCA., CS.,Ph.DData Science, ML12 years 4 months467973
22Dr.Divya.VAssistant ProfessorM.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.DNetworks8 years 7 months314873
23Ms.Arockiya Selvi.SAssistant ProfessorMCA, M.Phil,(Ph.D)Data Mining & Big Data11 years251505
24Dr.Balaji KannanAssistant ProfessorMCA., M.Phil. M.E., MBA,DLL.,Ph.DCloud Computing, Cloud data security, Network security, IOT, Bigdata.13 years474352

