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Candidates for admission to the Ph.D.  Programme shall have passed SSLC (10th or 11th class/grade and PUC or higher secondary (12th grade) before joining undergraduate (UG) programme (3 or more years) and UG before joining PG degree programme. That  10+2+UG Degree (3 or more years) or 11+1+ UG Degree (3 or more years).

Candidates for admission to the Ph.D. Programme shall have a Master’s degree or a professional degree declared equivalent to the Master’s degree by the corresponding statutory regulatory body, with at least 55% marks in aggregate or its equivalent grade ‘B’ in the UGC 7-point scale (or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed) or an equivalent degree from a foreign educational institution accredited by an Assessment and Accreditation Agency which is approved,  recognized or authorized by an authority, established or incorporated under a law in its home country or any other statutory authority in that country for the purpose of assessing, accrediting or assuring quality and standards of educational institutions.

A relaxation of 10% of marks, from 55% to 45%, or an equivalent relaxation of grade, may be allowed for those belonging to SC/ST/OBC (non-creamy layer)/Differently-Abled and other categories of candidates as per the decision of the Commission from time to time, or for those who had obtained their Master’s degree prior to 19th September, 1991. The eligibility marks of 55% (or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed) and the relaxation of 5% to the categories mentioned above are permissible based only on the qualifying marks without including the grace mark procedures.

Master’s Degree in the faculties of Arts, Sciences, Fine Arts, Languages, Commerce, Education, Management Science of this Institution or equivalent thereto.

Master’s Degree in the faculties of Law, Engineering, Technology, Architecture and Medicine including the Degree of Doctor of Medicine (M.D. or M.R.C.P), or Master of Surgery (M.S. or F.R.C.S./M.R.C.S.), Indian Medicine, Veterinary Science, M.Pharm. and Agriculture of this University or equivalent thereto.

M.B.B.S. Degree with two years of Senior House Surgeon /Special training or equivalent there of recognized by the Medical Council of India or competent authority.

Bachelor’s Degree in Veterinary Science, Ayurveda, Siddha, Homeopathy, Unani Medicines etc., with two years Senior House surgeon/equivalent special training in related disciplines of two years duration.

ACA, FCA, AICWAI and ACSI qualifications of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India and Institute of Company Secretaries of India, respectively. Provided the candidates have secured one of the above qualifications after the lapse of at least two years after obtaining a University UG degree from any recognized University.

Candidates from the National Defence Academy (NDA) with M.Sc. Defence and Strategic Studies / M.Phil. degree are eligible for Ph.D (both full-time and part-time) admission.


Notification will be issued, well in advance, on the University website and through Advertisement in at least two (2) national newspapers, of which at least one (1) shall be in the regional language, with regard to the number of seats available for Ph.D. program in different disciplines, date of entrance examination etc. and the candidates shall be admitted, depending on the vacancies, once in 6 months (i.e. January and July session).

Candidates irrespective of their employment status, seeking admission to Ph.D. program under the categories of full-time and part-time shall obtain the prescribed application form from the institution and submit the duly filled-in application along with a photocopy of all documents to The Registrar, Vels Institute of Science, Technology and Advanced Studies (VISTAS), Pallavaram, Chennai-600117. The employees in the Department/ School/ Centres of VISTAS must submit their applications through the proper channel, i.e., through the respective Dean/Director /Head of the Department concerned.

The admission of candidates to Ph.D. programme in VISTAS should be carried out by a two stage process through:

An Entrance Test will be conducted for 100 marks for the eligible candidates.  The syllabus of the Common Entrance Test consists of 50% of Research Methodology and 50% subject specific. The Entrance Test will be conducted in the VISTAS, Pallavaram Campus.

An interview/viva-voce will be conducted to the candidates to discuss their research interest/area through a presentation before a duly constituted Department Research Committee. For selection of the candidates, weightage of 70% for performance in entrance test and 30% for performance in interview/viva-voce will be given.

The interview/viva voce will also consider the following aspects, viz. whether:

  • The candidate possesses the competence for the proposed research
  • The research work can be suitably undertaken at the institution
  • The proposed area of research can contribute to new/additional knowledge.

The Dean/Director of the School / The Head of the Department concerned shall arrange to evaluate the Entrance Test papers of the individuals and the marks secured shall be tabulated along with the marks secured in the interview and the eligible candidates shall be allotted to the supervisors based on the number of vacancies available, field of specialization and the research interest of the candidate as indicated by the candidate during the interview.

Candidates who have qualified the (i) UGC/ CSIR/ ICMR/ DBT/ DST NET-JRF/ AICTE-GATE/ AYUSH/INSPIRE Fellowship or have qualified other UGC recognized national eligibility test with a valid fellowship at the time of entrance exam or (ii) worked in funded research projects as JRF/SRF in the Deemed University are exempted from appearing for Entrance Examination and interview. They will be called directly for counseling and admission.

The National/State level Reservation policies shall be followed in respect of Selection of candidates for the doctoral programme.

The list of all the candidates registered for Ph.D. on a year-wise basis, along with the topic of his/her research, the name of his/her supervisor/co-supervisor, date of enrolment/ registration will be posted on the institutions’ website (


The eligibility conditions for Full-time and Part-time candidates are the same, as given in clause 1. In addition, Research fellows/Research Assistants/Technical Assistants/ Project Fellows/Project Assistants/Training Officers in extension departments approved by VISTAS, appointed in the research projects funded by recognized agencies/Government are also eligible to register for Ph.D. on a full-time basis in the same department provided they satisfy the eligibility criteria stated in Regulation (1) above.

 Part-time (Internal) 

Candidates possessing eligibility criteria stated in Regulation (1) above and falling under any of the following categories, are eligible to conduct research on a part-time basis:

(i)  A teacher working in the Department of VISTAS.

Provided that they should have two years of total teaching experience after the qualifying degree will be allowed to register for Ph.D. (part-time) programme. The teachers working in the departments of VISTAS shall submit their applications through the proper channel only, i.e. through the HOD/ Director/Dean of the Department/School concerned.

(ii) A candidate employed other than as a teacher in a permanent position in VISTAS with a minimum of four years of total working experience, after the qualifying degree and satisfying the regulations(1).

(iii) Research Assistants/Technical Assistants appointed on a permanent basis by the VISTAS are eligible to register for the Ph.D. programme on part-time basis after confirmation of service.

(iv) Candidate with M.L. Degree practicing as an advocate in any Court of Law or serving as a Legal Advisor to/in a registered firm/Institution within the territorial jurisdiction of the University with a minimum of four years of total working experience after qualifying degree.

Part-Time (External) 

Candidates possessing eligibility criteria stated in Regulation (1) above and fulfilling the following conditions are eligible to research on a Part-time (External) basis:

(i) Candidates employed as a teacher, scientist, or in any other related capacity in National/State level Institutions, Universities, Research and Development (R&D) Centres/ Laboratories, Institutions, outside the territorial jurisdiction of VISTAS, in India.

Provided those candidates are permitted by the respective organizations for pursuing research leading to the Ph.D. Degree of this University on a Part-time basis as external candidates, two years after acquiring qualifying degree.

(ii)The candidate must submit a No Objection Certificate from a competent authority of the current employer to carry out the research work in their organization.

(iii) Part-time (External) candidates are required to fulfill a compulsory Contact Period of 15 days after every RAC.