B.A Western Music
Program Educational Objectives (PEO)
Program Outcome (PO)PROGRAM OUTCOME (PO) PO1: Understanding essentials of a performing art: Learning the rudiments of a Classical art and the various elements that go into the presentation of such an art. PO2: Developing theoretical knowledge: Learning the theory that goes behind the practice of a performing art supplements the learner to become a holistic practioner. PO3: Learning History and Culture: The contribution and patronage of various establishments, the background and evolution of Art. PO4: Allied Art forms: An overview of allied fields of art and exposure to World Music. PO5: Modern trends: Understanding the modern trends in Classical Arts and the contribution of revolutionaries of this century. PO6: Contribution to society: Applying knowledge learnt to teach students of future generations . PO7: Research and Further study: Encouraging further study and research into the field of Classical Art with focus on interdisciplinary study impacting society at large. Programme Specific Outcome (PSO)PROGRAMME SPECIFIC OUTCOME (PSO) PSO1: Be competent in performance of Western Classical Music equipped with rich traditional repertoire. PSO2: Be proficient in the theoretical aspects of Western Classical music which will supplement the knowledge of the performer PSO3: Be familiar with the historical aspects of Western Classical Music with specific reference to the evolution of music in various eras like Renaissance, Baroque, Galant, Classical and Romantic period. PSO4: Be familiar with allied areas of study like Karnatic Classical music, Philosophy ,Notation and Hindustani Music. PSO5: Be competent to pursue postgraduate and research studies in Western Classical Music and contribute to society by teaching students and establishing schools of learning. Board of StudiesBOARD OF STUDIES
List of Discipline Specific Elective (DSE)List of Discipline Specific Elective (DSE) Subjectcode Title of thePaper DSE1 Sight Reading 1 DSE2 Aural Test 1 DSE3 Aural Test 2 DSE4 Sight Reading 2 List of Generic Elective (GE)List of Generic Elective (GE) Subject Code Title of thePaper GE1 Appreciation of Karnatic Music GE2 Introduction to Indian Philosophy GE3 Congregational Music (Multilingual) List Of LanguagesList Of Languages Subject Code Title of the Paper 18LEN001 Foundation Course English I 18LTA001 Foundation Course Language I 18LHN001 Hindi Paper –I 18LFR001 French Paper – I 18LEN002 Foundation Course English II 18LTA002 Foundation Course Language II 18LHN002 Hindi Paper –II 18LFR002 French Paper – II 18LTA003 Foundation Course Language III 18LHN003 Hindi Paper –III 18LFR003 French Paper – III 18LTA004 Foundation Course Language IV 18LHN004 Hindi Paper –IV 18LFR004 French Paper – IV List of Skill Enhancement Course (SEC)List of Skill Enhancement Course (SEC) Subject Code Title of the Paper SEC-1 Soft Skill-I SEC-2 Soft Skill -II SEC-3 Personality Development SEC-4 National Service Scheme(NSS). SEC-5 Ethics. Quantitative Aptitude. List of Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course(AECC)List of Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course(AECC)
AECC1 Environmental Science Theory of Music -1 Basic ConceptsTHEORY OF MUSIC -1 BASIC CONCEPTS 4 0 0 4 COURSE OBJECTIVE: UNIT 1 12 Arpeggios, Dynamic, Articulations, Cadences (Perfect, imperfect and plagal), Triads Total: 60h COURSE OUTCOME: At the end of this course the students will be able to, CO-1: Understand basics of notation writing of Western Music. CO-2: Understand basic technical concepts of Western Music CO-3: Understand enharmonic and major keys. CO-4: Understand the basic concepts of scales CO-5: Comprehend Arpeggios, Dynamic, Articulations TEXT BOOKS: Fundamentals of Music, Raymond Elliott, 4th Ed 2009 Practical – 1 Basic ExercisePRACTICAL – 1 BASIC EXERCISE 0 0 4 4 COURSE OBJECTIVE: UNIT 1 10 Four part choral studies, triads in alternating notes exercise, alternate bass chords left hand Ostinato COURSE OUTCOME: At the end of this course the students will be able to, CO-1: Develop a solid foundation by practicing basic of Major and Minor scales. CO-2: Develop a good foundation by practicing legato and staccato. CO-3: Understand Arpeggios and broken chords. CO-4: Get an overview into Leger line, Change of clef, Rhythm, key signature, Modern chords CO-5: Understanding Four part choral and Triads. TEXT BOOK: Progressive Beginner Piano Published by : Learn To Play Music.com ISBN : 978-982-532- 006-7 History of Music – 1HISTORY OF MUSIC – 1 4 0 0 4 HISTORY OF WESTERN CLASSICAL MUSIC AND EARLY MUSIC COURSE OBJECTIVE: To understand the music of various periods from ancient times. UNIT 1 12 Introduction to Western Classical and Ancient Music, Early music including medieval, Ars Antiqua (1170-1310), Ars Nova (1310-1377), Ars Subtilior (1360-1420), Characteristic features of Early music Monophonic, Polyphonic, Sacred Gregorian Chant, Choral Music, Secular Music UNIT 3 12 Motet, Monophonic Songs, Themes, Composers- Leonin and Petrus de Cruse UNIT 4 12 Classification of instruments, Chordophones, Aerophones, Membranophones, Idiophones UNIT 5 12 Notation writing for the following in Treble Clef and Bass clef, C Major G,F, Minor – A,E,D, Chromatic scales, Pentatonic scales, Blues Scale, Tones, Semitones, Intervals, Diatonic, Bars, Bars lines, double bar, Time signatures, Key Signatures, Accidentals, Rests, dotted rests, Arpeggios and Triads Total: 60h COURSE OUTCOME: At the end of this course the students will be able to, CO-1: Understand early music and its characteristics CO-2: Understand various musical forms like monophonic and polyphonic. CO-3: Understand the forms and characteristics of composers Leonin and Petrus de Cruse CO-4: Understand the classification of Musical instruments CO-5: Understand the notation system used in Western music TEXT BOOK: The History Of Classical Music By Richard Fawkes. Practical – 2 Guitar Basic ExercisePRACTICAL – 2 GUITAR BASIC EXERCISE 0 0 4 4 COURSE OBJECTIVE: UNIT 1 10 Level 1 and 2 pieces Total: 50h COURSE OUTCOME: At the end of this course the students will be able to, CO-1: Develop basic skills for guitar strumming CO-2: Develop basic skills for finger movement. CO-3: Understand chord movement CO-4: Notate and sight read the pieces learnt CO-5: Play Level 1 and 2 pieces TEXT BOOK: 1. Learn Guitar Step by Step by Madhurjya Bordoloi Theory of Music – 2THEORY OF MUSIC – 2 4 0 0 4 COURSE OBJECTIVE: UNIT 1 12 Binary form, Ternary form, Strophic form, Chorus form, Phrase Total: 60h COURSE OUTCOME: At the end of this course the students will be able to, CO-1: Understand the concept of clef and tablature. CO-2: Understand concepts related to beats and note intervals CO-3: Understand tonality and chords. CO-4: Understand time signatures CO-5: Get an overview on the Binary form, Ternary form, Strophic form and Chorus form, TEXT BOOK: Fundamentals of Music, Raymond Elliott, 4th Ed 2009 Practical – 3 Major ScalesPRACTICAL – 3 MAJOR SCALES 0 0 4 4 COURSE OBJECTIVE: This course is designed to help the learner understand advanced level scales. UNIT 1 10 Sight Reading, Improvisation, Notating Writing, Level 1 and 2 Pieces. COURSE OUTCOME: At the end of this course the students will be able to, CO-1: Understand scales based on sharp and flat notes CO-2: Play Arpeggios and broken chord based on sharp and flat notes CO-3: Play Chromatic scales, contrary motion and clapping rhythm. CO-4: Play Hanon exercises from one to ten CO-5: Sight read and Notate items learnt TEXT BOOKS: The Complete Book of Scales, Chords, Arpeggios and Cadences by Palmer Willard. History of Music – 2HISTORY OF MUSIC – 2 4 0 0 4 COURSE OBJECTIVE: This course will take the student through the Renaissance period of Western Classical Music throwing light on the various instruments and typical styles of presentation. UNIT 1 12 COURSE OUTCOME: At the end of this course the students will be able to, CO-1: Understand the history and characteristics of Renaissance music CO-2: Understand the vocal and instrumental forms of Renaissance period. CO-3: Understand the musical instruments of the Renaissance period CO-4: Appreciate rare instruments like Viol/Hurdy-gurdy and Lyre/Irish CO-5: Appreciate the style of composers and presentation of the Renaissance period TEXT BOOK: Music History During The Renaissance Period 1425-1520, by Balanche M. Gangwere Practical – 4 Chord SequencesPRACTICAL – 4 CHORD SEQUENCES 0 0 4 4 COURSE OBJECTIVE: This course will facilitate the student to play Major and Minor scales. UNIT 1 10 UNIT 2 10 UNIT 3 10 II – V7-I IN G Minor UNIT 4 10 UNIT 5 10 Level 3 and 4 pieces Total: 50h COURSE OUTCOME: At the end of this course the students will be able to, CO-1: Play major scales – D,C, A and B and B, E Harmonic minor scales CO-2: Play Major Arpeggio and Minor broken chord and G Minor half Barre Study CO-3: Understand chord sequences of II-V7 – I CO-4: Sight read and notate items learnt CO-5: Play Level three and four pieces REFERENCE BOOKS: Theory of Music – 3THEORY OF MUSIC – 3 4 0 0 4 CONCEPTS IN WESTERN CLASSICAL MUSIC II COURSE OBJECTIVE: UNIT 1 12 Major Key study with #’s – E, B, ,Major Key study with flats–Ab,Db, ,Minor Key study with #’s COURSE OUTCOME: At the end of this course the students will be able to, CO-1: Understand modes and different temperaments CO-2: Understand Inversion, Poly rhythm, Timbre and Overtones CO-3: Understand various themes and variations of Western Classical Music CO-4: Comprehend terminologies in German and Italian language used in Western Classical Music CO-5: Notate Major keys and chords. TEXT BOOK: Fundamentals of Music, Raymond Elliott, 4th Ed 2009 Practical – 5 Minor ScalesPRACTICAL – 5 MINOR SCALES 0 0 4 4 COURSE OBJECTIVE: This course will further deal with the concepts in Minor Scale . UNIT 1 10 Level 3 and 4 pieces COURSE OUTCOME: At the end of this course the students will be able to, CO-1: Play Major and Minor Scales in two octaves CO-2: Play contrary motion and chromatic scales TEXT BOOKS: The Complete Book of Scales, Chords, Arpeggios and Cadences by Palmer Willard. Practical – 6 Basic of Drum KitPRACTICAL – 6 BASIC OF DRUM KIT 0 0 4 4 COURSE OBJECTIVE: UNIT 1 10 UNIT 2 10 UNIT 3 10 UNIT 4 10 UNIT 5 10 Basic rock beats, Basic funk beats, Blues and shuffles, Reggae beats, Sound at sight. Total: 50h COURSE OUTCOME: At the end of this course the students will be able to, CO-1: Understand drum notations and simple beats and rhythm. CO-2: Play exercises on kick drum, cymbals and snare. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Rock Drumming, for Beginners to Advanced Students by Andy Griffiths History of Music – 3HISTORY OF MUSIC – 3 4 0 0 4 COURSE OBJECTIVE: UNIT 1 12 UNIT 4 12 Study of select Instruments in Baroque period
UNIT 5 12
Listening sessions wherever possible Total: 60h COURSE OUTCOME: At the end of this course the students will be able to, CO-1: Understand the characteristic features of the music of the Baroque period CO-2: Understand the forms of music prevalent in the Baroque period CO-3: Understand the articulations and dynamics in the period CO-4: Understand select instruments of the era. CO-5: Understand the contribution of select composers of Baroque Era TEXT BOOK: 1. A History of Baroque Music by George J. Buelow Sight Reading -1SIGHT READING -1 2 0 2 4 COURSE OBJECTIVE: It is imperative to understand the system of notation while learning Western Music. This course will introduce the student to aspects of sight reading. UNIT 1 10 Tie. COURSE OUTCOME: At the end of this course the students will be able to, CO-1: Read and interpret whole notes and half notes CO-2: Read and interpret quartet note and rest. CO-3: Read and interpret eighth note and rest CO-4: Read and interpret sixteenth note CO-5: Read and interpret ties. TEXT BOOK: Learn to Sight Read by Holland Sandy. Appreciation of Karnatic MusicAPPRECIATION OF KARNATIC MUSIC 2 0 0 2 COURSE OBJECTIVE: UNIT I 8 1. G.N.Balasubramaniam 2. M.S.Subbalakshmi3. M,L.Vasanthakumari Total: 40h COURSE OUTCOME: At the end of this course the students will be able to, CO-1: Understand terms such as Sruti, Svara, Harmony and Melody CO-2: Understand what Raga and Tala means CO-3: Classify musical instruments and explain how each instrument functions CO-4: Give an outline about Hindustani music CO-5: Understand the contribution of great composers and musicians of Karnatic Music TEXT BOOK: South Indian Music Book 1,Prof P. Sambamoorthy,The Indian Music Publishing House, 2005(18th Edition) Theory of Music – 4 Scales and ChordsTHEORY OF MUSIC – 4 SCALES AND CHORDS 4 0 0 4 COURSE OBJECTIVE: UNIT 1 12 9th Chords,11th chords,13th Chords, Poly chords,Notation writing of this unit in Treble and Bass Clefs or Alto and Tenor Clefs Total: 60h COURSE OUTCOME: At the end of this course the students will be able to, CO-1: Understand different types of major and minor key study. CO-2: Comprehend different types of chords TEXT BOOK: Fundamentals of Music, Raymond Elliott, 4th Ed 2009 Practical – 7 ImprovisationPRACTICAL – 7 IMPROVISATION 0 0 4 4 COURSE OBJECTIVE: UNIT 1 10 Level 5 and 6 pieces Total: 50h COURSE OUTCOME: At the end of this course the students will be able to, CO-1: Present and perform Major and minor scales in four octaves CO-2: Present and perform Arpeggios in different keys CO-3: Clap rhythm, write notation, sight read and improvise CO-4: Present and perform Hanon exercises 21 to 30 CO-5: Present and perform Level five and six pieces TEXT BOOK: How to improvise in Modern Music: Tools and Exercises for Music and Jazz Improvisation by Ricky Schneider Practical – 8 OctavePRACTICAL – 8 OCTAVE 0 0 4 4 COURSE OBJECTIVE: UNIT 1 12 Total: 60h COURSE OUTCOME: At the end of this course the students will be able to, CO-1: Play F sharp, E Flat, B Minor chromatic scales in similar motion CO-2: Play F sharp, E Flat, B Minor in four octaves CO-3: Clap rhythm, write notation, sight read and improvise CO-4: Present and perform Hanon exercises 31 to 60 CO-5: Present and perform Level seven and eight pieces TEXT BOOK: The Complete Book of Scales, Chords, Arpeggios and Cadences by Palmer Willard. History of Music – 4HISTORY OF MUSIC – 4 4 0 0 4 COURSE OBJECTIVE: UNIT 1 12 Strings – Violin / Viola /Cello /Double bass /guitar UNIT 5 12 Study of selected composers and their works : Haydn, Leopold Mozart, Luigi Boccherini, Johann Christian Bach ,Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach and ,Christoph Willibald Gluck Total: 60h COURSE OUTCOME: At the end of this course the students will be able to, CO-1: Get an outline knowledge of the ccharacteristic features of music of the Galant and Classical period CO-2: Get an outline knowledge of the symphony, Solo concerto,Songs for a singer and piano,Choral works, Opera CO-3: Appreciate the Comic Opera, Orchestration and Musical Development of the Era CO-4: Understand the instruments used in the Galant and Classical Era CO-5: Understand the importance of various composers of the Era who made a mark in history TEXT BOOK: Music in the Galant style by Robert O Aural Test – 1AURAL TEST – 1 2 0 2 4 COURSE OBJECTIVE: The students will learn to identify intervals on listening. UNIT 1 10 Perfect Octave Total: 50h COURSE OUTCOME: At the end of this course the students will be able to, CO-1: Understand and Identify Unison CO-2: Understand and identify minor second CO-3: Understand and identify Major second CO-4: Understand and identify perfect fifth CO-5: Understand and identify perfect octave TEXT BOOK: Theory of Music – 5THEORY OF MUSIC – 5 4 0 0 4 COURSE OBJECTIVE: UNIT 1 12 Verse Chorus form, Hook, Period, Drop, Bar form Listening sessions wherever possible Total: 60h COURSE OUTCOME: At the end of this course the students will be able to, CO-1: UnderstandCall and Response, Coda, Introduction, Exposition, Finale CO-2: Comprehending Cyclic form, Movement, Phrase, Recapitulation, Repetition CO-3: Appreciate Arc Form, Argument, Reprise, Section, Sonata rondo form CO-4: Understand the Song structure, Thirty two bar form, Transition, Variation CO-5: Understand Verse Chorus form, Hook, Period, Drop, Bar form TEXT BOOK: 1. Summary of Western Classical Music History By Marlon Feld. Practical – 9 Perfomance Level – 1PRACTICAL – 9 PERFORMANCE LEVEL – 1 0 0 4 4 COURSE OBJECTIVE: UNIT 1 10 The Scales : All the Scales: In similar motion, hands together and separately, legato and staccato (4 octaves). In 3rds, hands separately, legato only (2 octaves) UNIT 2 10 Arpeggios:All the Scales: In root position, hands together and separately, (4 octaves) In 1st inversion, hands together and separately, (4 octaves) In 2nd inversion, hands together and separately, (4 octaves) Chromatic Scales:In minor 3rds, hands separately, legato only, starting on D/F (1 octave). Hands a major 6th apart, legato and staccato, starting on F/D (4 octaves). Dominant 7th: Arpeggios, hands together and separately, in root position, in the keys of C, Bb, Eb, Ab, Db and F# (4 octaves). These should start on the dominant of the specified key. Studies and Performance: Czerny Etude In E Schumann Etude In A Flat Beethoven Allegro, 1st Movement From Sonata F Minor, Op. 2 No. 1 Mozart 1st Movement From Sonata In C Minor. Total: 50h COURSE OUTCOME: At the end of this course the students will be able to, CO-1: Play all scales with different articulation and variations CO-2: Play all arpeggios in all scales with inversions CO-3: Play chromatic scales with variations CO-4: Play Dominant 7th arpeggio in different keys CO-5: Play compositions of major composers Practical – 10 Drum Kit – Rudimental StudiesPRACTICAL – 10 DRUM KIT – RUDIMENTAL STUDIES 0 0 4 4 COURSE OBJECTIVE: UNIT 1 10 COURSE OUTCOME: At the end of this course the students will be able to, CO-1: Play Flam, Flamacue, Flam Tap, Flam accent, Flam paradiddle CO-2: Play Single paradiddle, Double paradiddle, Triple paradiddle, Paradiddlediddle, Paradiddle sticking combination CO-3: Play Single drag, double drag, single drag tap, double drag tap, Drag paradiddle, CO-4: Play various rhythmic patterns CO-5: Play various rudimental fills TEXT BOOKS: 1. Rock Drumming, for Beginners to Advanced Students by Andy Griffiths Sight Reading – 2SIGHT READING – 2 0 0 4 4 COURSE OBJECTIVE: Fifths Total: 50h COURSE OUTCOME: At the end of this course the students will be able to, CO-1: Read and interpret Two bar melody in 4/4 time CO-2: Read and interpret four bar melody in 3/4 time CO-3: Read and interpret Eight bars melody in 2/4 time CO-4: Read and interpret thirds CO-5: Read and interpret fifths TEXT BOOK: Learn to Sight Read by Holland Sandy. Aural Test -2AURAL TEST -2 2 0 2 4 COURSE OBJECTIVE: The students will learn to identify intervals on listening. UNIT 1 10 UNIT 2 10 UNIT 3 10 UNIT 4 10 UNIT 5 10 Perfect Octave Total: 50h COURSE OUTCOME: At the end of this course the students will be able to, CO-1: Identify Minor Third CO-2: Identify Major Third CO-3: Identify Perfect fourth CO-4: Identify Perfect fifth CO-5: Identify Perfect octave TEXT BOOK Introduction to Indian PhilosophyINTRODUCTION TO INDIAN PHILOSOPHY 2 0 0 2 COURSE OBJECTIVE: UNIT I 8 (a) Schools of Vedanta, Advaita, Vishistadvaita, Dvaita and Saiva Siddhanta (b) Slokas – Sankara’sBhajaGovindam selected verses- Dasara Padas &Pasurams of Azhwars, PanniruTirumurai COURSE OUTCOME: At the end of this course the students will be able to, CO-1: Understand the scope and meaning of Indian Philosophy CO-2: Grasp the Development of the Indian Systems CO-3: Understand the concepts of Space and Time CO-4: Get an overview of various systems of philosophy CO-5: Get an overview of the schools of Vedanta, Advaita, Vishistadvaita and Dvaita TEXT BOOK: Introduction to Indian Philosophy, Satishchandra Chatterjee and Dhirendramohan Datta.Rupa&Co, 2010 Theory of Music – 6 Musical AnalysisTHEORY OF MUSIC – 6 MUSICAL ANALYSIS 4 0 0 4 COURSE OBJECTIVE: UNIT 1 12 Op. 32 orchestral suite by Gustav Holst Total: 60h COURSE OUTCOME: At the end of this course the students will be able to, CO-1: Understand and analyse Antonio Vivaldi’s Four Seasons-1 CO-2: Understand and analyse Antonio Vivaldi’s Four Seasons-2 CO-3: Appreciate the Opera `The Marriage of Figaro’ by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart CO-4: Understand and analyse ‘The Planets’ CO-5: Understand Opera 32 Orchestral suite by Gustav Holst TEXT BOOK: A guide to Musical Analysis by Nicholas Cook. History of Music – 5HISTORY OF MUSIC – 5 0 0 4 4 COURSE OBJECTIVE: UNIT 1 12 Modern piano, Contrabassoon, Bass clarinet, piccolo Saxophones, euphonium, Wagner tuba UNIT 4 12 Trends of 19th Century, Non-musical influences, Musical Nationalism, Rhythm in Romantic period, Melody in Romantic period UNIT 5 12 Selected Composers and their works COURSE OUTCOME: At the end of this course the students will be able to, CO-1: Understand Characteristic features of Romanticism CO-2: Comprehend Musical structures of Concert etude, Fantasias, Rhapsody and Waltz CO-3: Understand instruments like Modern Piano, Xylophone, Guitar and so on CO-4: Appreciate trends of the 19th century and the melody in the romantic period CO-5: Appreciate the works of selected composers of this era REFERENCE BOOKS: Source Reading in Music History from Classical Antiquity through the Romantic Rea, by Practical – 11 Performance Level – 2PRACTICAL – 11 PERFORMANCE LEVEL – 2 0 0 4 4 COURSE OBJECTIVE: UNIT 1 10 Waltzes: Opus 18 E flat major, Opus 34 1. A flat major, A minor, F major Opus 42, A flat major Total: 50h COURSE OUTCOME: At the end of this course the students will be able to, CO-1: Present preludes Opus 28 CO-2: Present Ballads in G Minor opus 23, F Minor Opus 39 CO-3: Present Etudes Opus 10 CO-4: Present Impromptus CO-5: Present Waltzes Practical – 12 Drum FillsPRACTICAL – 12 DRUM FILLS 0 0 4 4 COURSE OBJECTIVE: UNIT 1 10 Full time triplet fill, half time shuffle fill, double bass fill, brush fill, crossover fill, fill around the drums. COURSE OUTCOME: At the end of this course the students will be able to, CO-1: Play Half bar fills, full bar fills and triplet fills CO-2: Play Bass drum fills, dynamic fills and 16th note accent fills CO-3: Play 16th note triplet fills, reggae fills, Latin fills, Latin tango fills and Latin mambo CO-4: Play Rumba, Latin beguine, Latin bossa nova and latin samba CO-5: Play Full time triplet fill, half time shuffle fill, double bass fill, brush fill and crossover fill TEXT BOOK: 1. Essential Drum Fills by Peter Erskine Congregational Music (Multilingual)CONGREGATIONAL MUSIC (MULTILINGUAL) 0 0 2 2 COURSE OBJECTIVE: UNIT I 8 Total: 40h COURSE OUTCOME: At the end of this course the students will be able to, CO-1: Render devotional songs in Tamil CO-2: Present Namavalis and Abhangs CO-3: Sing bhajans in praise of various deities CO-4: Render padas by Dasas of Karnataka CO-5: Present famous telugu kirtanas of Annamacharya TEXT BOOKS: 1. Hari Hara Bhajanamrutam,A.K.Gopalan, A.K.Gopalan Publishers,1982 |