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B.Com. (Hearing Impaired )

Program Educational Objectives

Program Educational Objectives (PEO)   PEO I: To impart knowledge in ophthalmic and systemic care

PEO II: To create professional Optometrists with a skillful understanding of ophthalmic procedures and definitive diagnoses

PEO III: To nurture professional, ethical and compassionate behavior and standards.

PEO IV: To develop empathy and understanding in graduates and create responsible professionals who address the health care needs of the community and work for its betterment

PEO V: To strengthen the communication skills and work on leadership   qualities.

Programme Outcomes & Program Specific Outcome



PO1: Working in the nutritional and environmental counselling domain.

PO2: Efficiency in using modern techniques and technologies for providingvision care.

PO3: Demonstrating professional and clinical competence in the practiceof

PO4: Strengthening the critical acumen of students to work efficientlyin
inter- disciplinary and multi-disciplinary health care projects

PO5: Nurturing their skills and preparing them for the optical clinic industry&trade

Program Specific Outcome (PSO):

PSO I: Able to correct refractive error and provide spectacle prescription

PSO II: Able to fit, evaluate, prescribe and dispense contact lensesforrefractive correction and ocular conditions

PSO III: Able to assess the low vision and provide comprehensivelowvisioncare

Curriculum & Syllabus

Curriculum & Syllabus

SI.NOCategoryCourseHours/WeekMaximum Marks
1Program CoreEpidemiology & Community
Eye Care
2Program CoreOcular Diseases & Diagnostics I604301602725507550200
3Program CoreResearch Project-3602--2505075-100
4Program CoreClinical Optometry
5Program CoreBiostatistics and Research

View full Curriculum syllabus

Programme Outcomes



PO1: Working in the nutritional and environmental counselling domain.

PO2: Efficiency in using modern techniques and technologies for providingvision care.

PO3: Demonstrating professional and clinical competence in the practiceof

PO4: Strengthening the critical acumen of students to work efficientlyin
inter- disciplinary and multi-disciplinary health care projects

PO5: Nurturing their skills and preparing them for the optical clinic industry&trade

Program Specific Outcome (PSO):

PSO I: Able to correct refractive error and provide spectacle prescription

PSO II: Able to fit, evaluate, prescribe and dispense contact lensesforrefractive correction and ocular conditions

PSO III: Able to assess the low vision and provide comprehensivelowvisioncare

Eligibility Criteria

ProgramProgram Duration (Year)EligibilityCriteria for Merit
B.Sc Optometry4 Years (8 Semesters)Pass in +2, HSC or equivalent with Physics, Chemistry, Biology/ Botany / ZoologyMerit based on the percentage of marks secured in qualifying examination

Career Prospects

Career Prospects

  • There is a huge demand of optometrist in the country. The profession not only gives immense opportunities of employment but also gives student a chance of self-employment too. There are multiple options available to choose from depending upon career interests or ability to perform skill.
  • Independent optometric clinic with optical store.
  • Optometry practice management at eye institutions/hospitals as an optometrist
  • A rewarding career in corporate in eye care industry such as contact lenses, ophthalmic lenses etc.
  • Excellent job opportunities both in India as well as overseas.

Fee Structure

Tuition Fee 2024 - 2025 (Per Sem)
Other Fee(per sem)Total Fee 2024 -2025 (Per Sem)