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Category: Diploma in Western Music

Home / Diploma in Western Music


SEMESTER 1 – THEORY OF MUSIC –PAPER 1 BASIC CONCEPTS AND TERMINOLOGY UNIT I The Staff, The Treble Clef and Staff, The Bass Clef and Staff, Whole – Half        – Quarter Notes, Measures – Bar Lines – Double Bar Lines, Time Signatures and Note Values, The Grand Staff, Leger Lines, Whole – Half – Quarter...


Eligibility Criteria

Candidates above the age of 10 years are eligibleforthecertificatecourse. Ageproofcertificateshouldbeattached. Click here to check your Eligibility


Program Outcomes

Program Outcomes (PO) To Understand and The Origin Of Western Music And Special To acquire basic understanding about Musical Instrument, Melodies and To know the basic technical terms and rudiment of western To know the rhythmi cpatterns and its varieties in western



Semester 1 – Theory of Music –Paper 1 Basic concepts and Terminology Unit 1 Scale Degrees, Tetra chords, Note values ,Dotted notes ,Ledger Lines, Clef – Treble and Bass Writing all the notes, dotted notes (including ledger line notes) in Treble clef and Bass clef. Unit 2 Pitch,Tones, semitones,Intervals, Diatonic,Bars, bars lines, double bars,Time signatures....


Eligibility Criteria

It is a three year diploma course with six semesters. Candidates who have passed 10th standard are eligible for diploma course , student should submit original 10th standard mark sheet conducted by the Government of Tamilnadu or an Examination accepted as equivalent thereof and Transfer Certificate. The Board of Studies for the year 2021 –...


Course Outcomes

PROGRAM EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES (PEO) 1. To understand the origin Of Western Music. 2. To acquire basic understanding about musical instruments. 3. To know about the basic technical terms and fundamental of theory. 4. To know the rhythmic patterns and its varieties in western music.