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M.Sc. Visual Communication


The vision of the Department of Visual Communication at VISTAS is to set global standards for media education research, training, and industry collaboration through high-quality skill-based education and practical exposure for building a knowledge-driven student community, thereby contributing to societal development and the development of entrepreneur skills along with universal values and ethics.


The mission of the Department of Visual Communication at VISTAS is to create a skill-based learning environment that nurtures new ideas, creativity, and research, the department aims at cultivating an appreciation of media’s role in the development of leaders, innovators, and entrepreneurs in the domain of media and mass communication.

Program Outcomes & Programme Specific Outcomes


PO1: To develop the ability to use critical, analytical, and deep in thought thinking and analysis in visual communication.

PO2: Media studies and its reflect on social and moral responsibilities in students professional life.

PO3: To gain knowledge and self-confidence in the distribution of project/research outputs in the fields of Media Arts, Design, and Visual Effects.

PO4: Work responsibly and creatively as an individual or as a member or leader of a team and in all the multidisciplinary environments.

PO5: To communicate effectively by oral, written, graphical and technical means and have competency in visual languages

PO6: Independently reach and obtain information, and develop appreciation of the need for continuous learning.

PO7: Apply knowledge of art history, theories and principles to traditional and digital drawing and design skills for visual communication applications relevant to modern applied art markets.

PO8: To provide adequate basic understanding about Media Education among the students and to develop language abilities of students to inculcate writing skills and Business correspondence


PEO 1: The graduates will be technically competent to excel in the competing Media industry and to pursue research in this field.

PEO 2: The graduates will possess the skills to develop economically and technically using the knowledge to ensure their own creative and innovative skills in industry.

PEO 3: The graduates will have effective communication skill, team spirits, ethical principles and desire for lifelong learning and creative skills to succeed in their media professional career.

PEO 4:  The graduates will be prepared efficiently to be an entrepreneur.

PEO 5:  The graduates are educated to think latterly and vertically with creative approach and to use the advance technology in media environment.

Programme Educational Objectives


PEO 1: The graduates will be technically competent to excel in the competing Media industry and to pursue research in this field.

PEO 2: The graduates will possess the skills to develop economically and technically using the knowledge to ensure their own creative and innovative skills in industry.

PEO 3: The graduates will have effective communication skill, team spirits, ethical principles and desire for lifelong learning and creative skills to succeed in their media professional career.

PEO 4:  The graduates will be prepared efficiently to be an entrepreneur.

PEO 5:  The graduates are educated to think latterly and vertically with creative approach and to use the advance technology in media environment.

Curriculum & Syllabus

Curriculum & Syllabus

Total number of Credits: 90 

SEMESTER 1Hours/Week Maximum Marks
Code No.Course Lecture Tutorial Practical Credits CASEE Total
Core 1Approaches to Human Communication40044060100
Core 2Theories of Visual Analysis40044060100
Core 3Understanding Film Semiotics40044060100
Core 1 (P)Graphical Arts-I00424060100
DSEDiscipline Specific Elective - I02444060100
DSEDiscipline Specific Elective - II02444060100
SECSoft Skill 1/
Sector Skill Course

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Curriculum & Syllabus – 2024

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Eligibility Criteria

Program Duration(Years)
Criteria for Merit
M.Sc. Visual Communication2 Years (4 Semesters)UG degree in any disciplineMerit based on the percentage of marks secured in the qualifying examination

Alumni Testimonials

Career Prospects




  • Media & Journalism
  • Media and TV Jobs
  • Media Relations & Research


  • Journalist/News reporter
  • Fashion Photographer
  • Public Relations Officer


  • Content Writer
  • Producer


Fee Structure

Tuition Fee 2024 - 2025 (Per Sem)
Other Fee (Per Sem)
Total Fee 2024-2025(Per Sem)
28,000 26,000 54,000