Key Indicator – 2.1: Student Enrollment and Profile (10)
Key Indicator – 2.2: Catering to Student Diversity (15)
Metric Number Weightage
(QnM)The Institution assesses the learning levels of the students after admission and organises special programmes for advanced learners and slow performers The Institution:
1. Adopts measurable criteria to identify low performers.
2. Adopts measurable criteria to identify advanced learners
3. Organizes special programmes for low performers and advanced learners
4. Follows protocols to measure students’ achievement
a) Proforma created to identify slow learners/advanced learners
b) Methodology and Criteria for the assessment of Learning levels Details of special programmes
c) Details of outcome measures
d) Consolidated report submitted to Dean academics /Dean student’s welfare on special programs for advanced learners and slow learners
e) Any additional information
(QnM)Student - Full- time teacher ratio (data of preceding academic year)
a) List of students enrolled in the preceding academic year
b) List of full time teachers in the preceding academic year in the University (with Designation and Highest Qualification obtained)
c) Any additional information
Key Indicator – 2.3: Teaching- Learning Process (25)
(QIM)Student-centric methods, are used for enhancing learning experiences by:
• Experiential learning
• Integrated/Inter-disciplinary learning
• Participatory learning
• Problem-solving methodologies
• Self-directed learning
• Patient-centric and Evidence-based learning
• The Humanities
• Project-based learning
• Role play
a) Link for list of student-centric methods used for enhancing learning experiences
(QnM)Has provision for the use of Clinical Skills Laboratory and Simulation Based Learning The Institution:
1. Has Basic Clinical Skills Training Models and Trainers for clinical skills in the relevant disciplines.
2. Has advanced patient simulators for simulation-based training
3. Has structured programs for training and assessment of students in Clinical Skills Lab / Simulation centre
4. Conducts training programs for the faculty in the use of clinical skills lab and simulation methods of teaching-learning
a) Report on training programmes in Clinical skills lab/simulator Centre
b) Proof of patient simulators for simulation-based training
c) Proof of Establishment of Clinical Skills Laboratories
d) List of clinical skills training modals
e) Geo-tagged photographs of clinical skills lab facilities, clinical skills modals, patients simulators
f) Details of training programs conducted and details of participants
g) Any additional information
(QIM)Teachers use ICT-enabled tools for effective teaching and learning process, including online e-resource
a) Link of the details of ICT-enabled tools used for teaching and learning
b) Link for list of teachers using ICT-tools
c) Any additional information
(QnM)Student :Mentor Ratio (preceding academic year)
a) Records of mentors-mentee meetings.
b) Log Book of mentors
c) Details of fulltime teachers/other recognized mentors
d) Copy of circular pertaining to the details of mentor and their allotted mentees
e) Approved Mentor list as announced by the HEI
f) Any additional information
Key Indicator – 2.4: Teacher Profile and Quality (55)
Key Indicator – 2.5: Evaluation Process and Reforms (40)
Metric Number Weightage
(QnM)Average number of days from the date of last semester-end/ year- end examination to the date of declaration of results during the last five years.
a) Reports from Controller of Exam (COE) office/ Annual reports mentioning the relevant details.
b) List of programmes and dates of last semester-end/year-end examinations and the dates of declaration of results
c) Any Additional Information
(QnM)Average percentage of student complaints/grievances about evaluation against total number of students appeared in the examinations during the last five years.
a) Reports of Examination Sections
b) Minutes of the grievance cell / relevant body
c) List of complaints / grievances year-wise during the last 5 years
d) Certificate from Registrar / Controller of examination / Data on student grievances from the office of the Registrar (Evaluation)
(QnM)Evaluation-related Grievance Redressal mechanism followed by the Institution: ... The University adopts the following mechanism for the redressal of evaluation-related grievances. Options(Opt one which is applicable to you):
1.Double valuation/Multiple valuation with appeal process for retotalling/revaluation and access to answer script
2.Double Valuation/Multiple valuation with appeal process for revaluation only
3.Double Valuation/Multiple valuation with appeal process for retotalling only
4.Single valuation and appeal process for revaluation
a) Report of the Controller of Examination/ registrar evaluation regarding the Grievance Redressal mechanism followed by the Institution
b) Provide links to the examination procedure and re-evaluation procedure developed by the institution and duly hosted in the institution’s website
c) Any additional information
(QIM)Reforms in the process and procedure in the conduct of evaluation/examination; including Continuous Internal Assessment to improve the examination system.
a) Link for details of examination reforms implemented during the last 5 years
b) Any additional information
(QnM)Status of automation of the Examination division, using Examination Management System (EMS) along with an approved online Examination Manual
1.Complete automation of entire division & implementation of the Examination Management System (EMS)
2.Student registration, hall ticket issue & result processing
3.Student registration and result processing
4.Result processing
5.Manual methodology
a) The present status of automation., Invoice of the software, & screenshots of software
b) Snap shot of the EMS used by the institution
c) Copies of the purchase order of the software/AMC of the software
d) Any additional information
e) Annual report of examination including present status of automation as approved by BOM / Syndicate / Governing Council
Key Indicator – 2.6 Student Performance and Learning Outcomes (25)
Metric Number Weightage
(QIM)The institution has stated learning outcomes /graduate attributes as per the provision of Regulatory bodies which are integrated into the assessment process and widely publicized through the website and other documents.
a) Link for relevant documents pertaining to learning outcomes and graduate attributes
b) Link for methods of the assessment of learning outcomes and graduate attributes
c) Any additional information
(QnM)Incremental performance in Pass percentage of final year students during last five years
a) Trend analysis in graphic form (Refer annexure 02 of SOP)
b) List of Programmes and the number of students appeared and the number of students passed in the final year examination each year for the last five years
c) Any additional information
d) Annual reports of examination results as placed before BOM/ Syndicate/ Governing Council for the last five years
Key Indicator – 2.7 Student Satisfaction Survey (30)
Metric Number Weightage
(QnM)Online student satisfaction survey regarding teaching learning process.
a) Institutional data in prescribed format