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Category: M.SC Visual Communication

Home / M.SC Visual Communication

Tourism Management

Objective:  To understand its constituents, forms and types, purpose of tourism and travel motivators and tourism infrastructure. Types and functions of travel agent and tour operators, tourism organizations, international and national. Tourism regulation and impacts of tourism, economics, socio cultural, environmental and political impacts.   Unit: I Introduction to Travel and Tourism Tourism- meaning and...


Office Automation Tools

Objective: To know the common applications available for office work. To learn how to work in MS-OFFICE. To learn how to work in MS-EXCEL and POWERPOINT.   Unit: I MSWORD Text Manipulations- font size, style, color. Alignment- left, right and justiy, paragraph alignment, Usage of Numbering, Bullets, Footer and Headers, Usage of Spell check, and...


Internet Basics

Objective: To make the student understands the overall view of internet. To inculcate the students about the various facilities available in internet. To gain practical knowledge about internet.   Unit: I  INTRODUCTION Internet and its history, defining and describing the Internet, Brief history, discussing the future of the Internet, Internet Resources. Describe the important features...



Objective: On successful completion of the course the students should have: Learnt to analyze the business model of firm, and determine the role that the internet(and related technologies) can play to support or even enable this model  Understand the key issues involved in managing electronic commerce initiatives Utilize the internet to collect information to conduct...


Colour Theory(18MVC009)

Objective: To develop a working understanding of the essential traits of color. Establish and demonstrate practicable strategies for selecting color palettes and concept-driven color harmonies using principles, theories and systems of color design and experience, Establish and demonstrate skill in color mixing and color-discernment contemporary color specification systems such as Pantone (PMS), RGB, CMYK, CIE....


Screen Writing(18MVC008)

Objective:  This course introduces the students into the craft and art of screenwriting and cutting edge concepts so that the student can begin writing a full length screenplay. The students are trained to develop the skills of critical analysis, oral and extemporaneous skills needed to pitch a treatment and work collaboratively and most importantly the...


Colour Grading(18MVC007)

Objective:  Digital Intermediate (DI) is one of today’s most exciting and fastest growing technologies in digital post production of motion picture films. Course Outcome At the end of the course, learners will be able to: CO1: Understanding the various types of projection and its technology used in theatres  CO2: Students explore how the Primary and...



Objective: The course imparts the basics of sound recording, critical listening and reproduction, It is the art of giving the video its sonic identity, which enriches its language and overall feel advanced skills in all aspects of sound and music, recording, editing, mixing techniques, including tracks and mastering, dubbing, sound editing in a studio recording...


Anchoring And Presentation(18MVC005)

Objective: The course will focus on the psychological determinants of effective communication, basic pronunciation and diction, voice modulation, camera friendliness and script writing. Students will get grounding in Communications theory, after which they will learn to face the camera with confidence. Students will be taught different anchoring techniques. They will be taught to cover/conduct events...