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Category: B.SC Visual Communication

Home / B.SC Visual Communication

Video Jockey(18BVC007)

Course Objective: With the advent of various music channels on TV, Video jockeying is becoming an exciting career option for the music crazy generation. The main job of the Video Jockey is to introduce music videos and host music related shows on Television. But as competition increases, music channels are on the trend of incorporating...


Copy Writing(18BVC006)

Objectives: CO1:  To develop skills in visualizing and illustrating potentiallayout for complex ideas. CO2:  To acquire knowledge and skill to execute designgraphicsfor information CO3:  To gain knowledge about infographics. CO4:  To acquire knowledge about visualizing promotional materials CO5:  To understand about new media   Unit 1:  Product mix-distribution channel- marketingcommunication channel- planning advertising, advertisingcollaboration, product...


Creative Video Editing(18BVC005)

Course Objective: This course presents an introduction to video editing and the process involved in editingof video footage, special effects. Video Editing is really about rearranging the videos in best way to narrate the audience in visual service of storytelling. Editing Terminology and concepts, and the technological workflow for picture and sound, vital role of NLE, students...


Web Design(18BVC004)

Course Objective: The objective is to learn the techniques of website creation through tools and utilize them. Students will know the process of using the tools for various digital outputs like website layout creation, static and dynamic webpages , using scripts for delivering small animations and attractive web pages , web hosting through server and...


Applied Photography(18BVC003)

Course Objective:                                                                                                                                To make students to experience the art of photography. Photography record should contain at least 3 Photographs under each exercise. Each exercise should include all the necessary details (colour, exposure time, lens type etc.). Final practical examination will test student’s knowledge on photography (either as a viva or written exam or practical work...


Art Direction(18BVC002)

Course Objective: The Art Direction course provides an introduction to the art departments responsible for designing and implementing the visual elements of filmmaking. This course will educate students in the proper procedures of design, construction and handling of sets and props.      Course Outcome At the end of the course, learners will be able to: CO1:...


Script Writing(18BVC001)

Course Objective: This course is designed to introduce students to the fundamentals of developing and writing scripts for film and television. It emphasizes proper script formats, theme, story, plot, dialogue, characters, and the process of developing and writing a script.  The assignments will include the writing of scenes, a treatment and a half-hour script, with...


Media Internship -II (18PBVC62)

For a period of one month (150 Hours of Work Experience), students will be attached to the media industry on an Internship basis, with the objective to expose them to actual situations and day to day functioning of the media industry. The interns will be exposed to the particular area of specialization already chosen. The...


Documentary Film Practicing (18PBVC61)

Course objective:  Students will learn to produce documentary films on any socially relevant topic.  They will also learn the dynamics of documentary film production such as identifying topics, doing research, writing proposal, scripts, film shooting and editing. They will work in groups in making creative choices to apply the research, planning and technical skills of...


Media Ethics(18CBVC62)

Course Objective: At the end of this course, you should be able to recognize ethical issues inherent in mass communication theory and practice. It also creates critical thinking skills to students in evaluating diverse approaches, practices, and effects within media.   Course Outcome At the end of the course, learners will be able to: CO1:...